KRAMER’s Weather Report . . . DogPARK!!!


Kramer weatherdog final

Woofs and waggles . . . it was a DOGPARK day. But, I am not only a canine who enjoys a romp at what my Mom and Dad call Doggie Disneyland – I am also the FGGAM Weather Dog so I mixed work AND play today.

First things first . . . it’s looking a bit like winter in the Sangre de Cristo mountains across from where I live. If you look real close you can see the snow cloud covering the top of the mountain. Between running around and tackling (or jumping over) my brother, Cooper, I was telling Mom what angles  to shoot the photos and where to stand. My photography skills improve with each photo session, but Mom says I get a little bossy at times. . . .what’s a dog to do when he needs the perfect shot and doesn’t have thumbs?


While at Doggie Disneyland, the temperature was cool and the winds were picking up even though they were “howling” yet. Sometime I just love to stand and bask in the wonderfulness of the happiest canine place in the world (Doggie Disneyland in case you missed that). Mom even captured the canine essence of my heart bursting with glee!


I asked Mom to take a photo of my two brothers so you could get to know them. This is Newman, and he chases the ball again and again and again. He likes it when the weather turns cooler because THEN he can chase the ball a lotta more before he has to rest. (Mom didn’t have a ball in her car today so Newman had to chase a Frisbee thingee today. He’s rather chase a ball more than ANYTHING, except maybe give his daddy a kiss. He’s a daddy’s boy.


This is my other brother, Cooper. His favorite thing to do at Doggie Disneyland is sniff all around. He and I hang out a lot and sometimes I pounce on him when we go running like the wind in the grass. He’s bigger than me so I don’t usually bowl him over, but Mom and Dad have to remind be not to pounce on him too much since he is the age of a grandpa. Sometimes I jump OVER him. That is great fun and it makes my parents laugh.


I LOVE my brothers. Cooper plays with me. Newman and me keep the house safe. We bark and put on our ferocious faces when ANYTHING, even neighbors get to close to our house.

Woof and out, Kramer the Weather Dog reporting from the cold and possibly snowy (in the higher elevation) Jemez Mountains of Northern New Mexico!

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