Evangelist and Author Karen Rowe fills in for Dewey

The CupMy long time Sister in Christ, Karen Rowe Founder of Hope In Today Ministries in Efland, NC is filling in for me today. I was blessed to be a part of Karen’s start in Radio Ministry and also super blessed to write the forward in her book, The Train Whistle. I then was SUPER,SUPER BLESSED to take part in her revival last year in Efland. I have come to know her family so well, they are all about Jesus Christ.I always hear many good things after Karen has done the CUP, it’s been too long! Thank you Karen for giving me the day off. Love in Jesus to all.
Good Morning Dewey!
In faith in the name of Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit, I submit this writing to DDC for God’s Glory Alone.
I pray that many will be blessed by this and experience the freedoms in the love of Christ, because of the power of God that is found in His Love, which is reflected through our obedience because we 1st believed.
Love in Christ,
As is … in faith J Blessing to you Dewey!
Good morning Dewey’s Daily Cup Readers!
In the morning we can see God do some of His most precious work!
As night ends and day breaks, the unity in the nearness of God through it all is so evident!
Early in the morning when the air appears to be red, the fog lifts as the sun peeks through. Night sounds compliment the unity in all of Creation, as the morning birds sing praises to our King!
The crescent moon can still be seen at a time it feels like it is almost noon.
And when the moon becomes invisible, you can know that it is still there …in whole …not just the Crescent, but in whole –and this is how we can know our invisible God, who is just as real as a moon you can see!
In your darkest hour, you can know that God is near in this same way … by your faith –even if as small as a mustard seed!
As sure as you are that a wooden stool will hold you –know that this is faith to sit on that stool because you believe it can and will hold you.
We can trust our invisible God more than we can trust this tangible stool and our Father in Heaven is stronger and more capable of holding us than this stool!
But do you believe God CAN … in your life? –Can God hold you? Do you believe God loves you this much? Do you trust God?
I hope this message Today will be a good seed of faith that I am purposely planting or perhaps watering in you by the grace of God alone –full well knowing that it is God who makes all things grow!
This is my faith I have in writing to you Today! I have great faith in the love of God that is in His Son –JESUS! Jesus, who is the Christ –the Son of the Living God! I have great strength in the Word and Spirit of God and I am here to encourage and build us up Today in our most Holy Faith!
Dewey invited me with the opportunity to write for you this morning. I hope all is well with you and this is what the Holy Spirit has enabled me to say.
Good morning this is the day that the Lord has made, Let us Rejoice and be glad in it!
Some days –perhaps your day today? It is tuff to rejoice when human emotions feel the brunt of the day that seem to undoubtedly come up against us on purpose many times –in fact, I believe they do! 
For me–especially when I am about to do something good in the Kingdom of God and right after I have done God’s will –that I am assured in.
Temptations quickly come to stop my purpose, but I know to press on –because I know the victory is in Christ!
Please KNOW the JOY of the LORD IS and will be your strength to get through with GRACE! STAY TIGHT WITH GOD!
For certain, there is an enemy in this world that hates all God loves, but my focus will remain on the goodness of God and that oh enemy is weak in my presence when I am abiding in Christ.
Abiding in love is a powerful walk with God –This word abide means to hang on and cling to even when it is hard to …yes, God’s love is (to be) and (remain to be) Patient and Kind … and to guard our words in all our ways and thoughts.
For years, I have come to understand by the grace of God that remaining in Love is walking in step with the Holy Spirit –which we are also to remain in step in! And, now I amunderstanding the power in understanding the strength and courage in abiding in Christ, with a new understanding in the power of obedience!
Abiding in Christ is coming into obedience to God and obeying God’s good moral and ethical commands unconditionally, because of a trust we have in God and also in JESUS (when we Believe)!
If we believe, then we will obey, but if we don’t obey, are we really believing?
When we invite Christ in our life, we can’t help but to grow in the likeness of Christ and be nudged with a new power of Love that is living on the inside of us.
We can’t help but to be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit! Yet, can we REFUSE?
I believe we have a choice to pick up the cross and follow Jesus; or deny and refuse all that cross stands for.
We will feel the emotional pains of picking up that cross to follow Jesus, denying our selfish nature, but really, when we believe God IS God –Spiritually, there really is no better choice but to follow Jesus and please God in all that we do!
As for me, I am committed to God, but I also admit that I need Jesus to keep me strong and on that straight and narrow path that requires emotional sacrifices every day of my selfish ambition!
There are challenges that we are faced with every day that are set on purpose in front of us to give us an opportunity to trust God.
However, what will our perspective be?
John 3:36 states “36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.”
John 14:15 states: “”If you love me, keep my commands.”
John 15:10 states: “If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.”
John 14:21 states: “Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”
Believe goes hand in hand with obey …
not our good works that some think will get us in heaven… But rather, believing in the Son!
If we believe we will want to obey, but if we don’t obey, where is our belief and hope?
How we choose to use our faith is our choice!
But when we believe God’s living and written Word, our choice is committed and submitted to God, because of our trust and hope that we have placed in Him alone!
We CAN trust in God, because of a love that we have come to know!
A love that we know because we believe, trust and obey!
Salvation is the work of the Lord our God through Jesus Christ, God’s holy Son, whom has paved our way for life & for whosoever who will believe (see John 3:16-17)!
I have been in the awe of God as I have really begun to really understand that Believe goes hand in hand with Obey:
John 3:36 “He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he whodoes not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”
What does the Spirit say to you?
As I have been gaining my understanding through the Word and Spirit: I believe that disobeying God is rejecting Christ.
So I cling to Proverbs 16:3 “Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed.”
I am here today with a message…
A message of encouragement to a world that needs God to empty your hands and let God fill them!
A message of power to roll your works upon the Lord –to Commit and Trust them wholly to Him and allow the Holy Spirit to cause your THOUGHTS to become agreeable to God’s Will!
Empty your selfish desires into the hands of God and allow God to fill your heart completely.
Allow the Holy Spirit to transform your worries and fears into the form of a prayer!
From a place of choice that our words will either spiral emotions downward and cast us down to a darker place of concern believing somehow we can control what we can’t trust God for;
OR, to a place of trusting God and lifting us up to a place nearer to God believing that God can move and do all things through Christ who gives us strength.
God is God, but He has given us the responsibility to trust Him –Do you see that God has given you a choice in your day –Today?
Do you believe that God is near to all who call on Him in the name of His Son Jesus!
Do you believe God CAN move powerfully in your heart and transform your need ….
Humm… see, I have come to see that it is not our need we need hope for –God has already provided for every need we have!
Rather, it is our life we need the hope of Jesus Christ to fill in for us in every void we have.
Our weaknesses are our challenges & opportunities to simply and wholly trust God and find His powerful and transforming Peace and Joy in our “Troubled Water” as we remain obedient to HIM!
Troubles cause us to “naturally” want to shriek away … But in the Kingdom of God, troubles are our opportunity to be promoted nearer to God in Christ! Spiritually, our weaknesses and troubles are really our opportunities to draw nearer to God in our hope in Jesus.
In my every weakness, I pray for God to help me; and I find out that God is good at everything I need!
Will you trust God in you weakness Today; and everyday as long as God calls it Today?
There will never be a day that we will not have to or need to trust God!
I challenge you Today –this is the day that the Lord has made and as long as God has called it Today … This is the day that God has gifted us LIFE with opportunities to trust Him and promote the name of Jesus!
Others are watching –what kind of God will they see you reflect? The true and living God of Peace and Joy! Or, perhaps an emotional ornament that seems to have no life or love to give?
God CAN bring hope, peace and joy!
Once you choose hope all things are possible through faith in the Name of Jesus according to the Word of God and by remaining in the power of the Holy Spirit who does the good work of God through our faith.
I pray that this message Today inspired us to experience God! I pray this message encourages us to reflect Jesus in all that we do –that all we do is for the glory of the Lord!
For God’s glory Alone –We can trust God and reflect our praise … rather than to murmur our fears, and worries.
Don’t be afraid of the troubles coming or that you may already be facing!
TRUST GOD for WHOM HE IS and also trust in His love for you –be obedient to God in all your ways for His glory alone, because God Can and DOES work all things together for the good to them that love God, according to His purpose in which we are called!
Do you love God? There is no choice in love –love comes into obedience when we believe what Jesus has done for us with our whole heart –a love that reflects in our trust in God.
Seasons come to produce change and change comes to promote growth!
Don’t be like a tumble weed! Don’t be all dried up, fired up, petrified –Let the love of God come deep inside and plant yourself deep in the BIBLE, which is the Word of God!
I have found this to be a powerful strong hold in my life:
The Bible instructs us to –Build yourself UP in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit (Jude 1:20).
I hope this is a blessing to you!
God loves you … Do you believe?
My prayers are with you; please also pray for me.
Love in Christ,
Karen Rowe
Hope in Today Ministries: www.hopeintoday.com
Visit us today!www.fggam.org

If you would like to support the much needed work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries, Dewey Moede, and Dewey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a financial gift.  You can securely give by clicking on this link- https://fggam.org/donate.html then scroll down the page to securely give through PayPal

. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,
Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please forward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they have to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to radiodewey@aol.com.

If you do not wish to be on this email list please kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at radiodewey@aol.com – we will take you off this email list asap

karen rowe

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