Bud and Tara Shaver: A New Season Has Begun


Dear Pro-Life Friends,

Shaver FamilyBud and Tara are working to organize a constant peaceful and prayerful presence at local abortion clinics and several other proven strategies, in an effort to end abortion in New Mexico. They are also reaching out to the Christian community to educate, activate, and encourage them to stand for life. Our ministry is Christ centered and grace filled. There are many ways to get involved, our prayer is that you will join us in our life saving ministry.

As in everything, there are seasons. This month a new season a begun here in ABQ. God is opening the doors of the churches, raising up new leaders, providing many faithful workers, and producing a ripe harvest! To God alone be the glory.

Here are links to testimonies, undercover research projects, videos, and so much more…

Abortion ban ad hits air: Ballot question goes to voters Nov. 19

Vote in favor of love, life and family

Because of Christ we stand,
Bud and Tara

“Seek the well being of the city to which I have sent you. Pray for it to the Lord. For in seeking its well being you shall find your own.“ Jeremiah 29:7


  1. Praying for you both Bud & Tara! Your hard work in this issue is showing tremendous results so far and so very many living unborn children appreciate it also! Firmly believe the bill being placed in front of congress is a direct result of our exposure here in Albuquerque in this matter. Thank You both so much. Prayers for your success is continuous!!!

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