Ask Your Question, Please


question_mark-2-285x300For weeks I have been praying about posting some of the questions we get here at FGGAM. People email us all the time, or call with questions, this is another facet of the Ministry here at FGGAM. The Lord has shown me that we can all learn from the questions of others, I am thankful for the boldness and care of others to ask questions. Pastor Paul Holt and myself will be blessed to have you ask a question and we may have other Pastor’s, and maybe even you who are reading this, jump in also. This is a very healthy exercise in our Lord.

Hi Dewey,

How do you speak to an adamant atheist when they have a strong answer to everything you say, they present responses you have no answer to? Ken in Virginia

Bro, just let your light shine for Jesus, the light shines in the darkness, the word of God teaches us that we cannot reason with a fool. So let your walk with Jesus be a testimony to the darkness, responses to the darkness are best for them to see us live our life in Jesus. You are a walking Bible to this person. Some want a fight, don’t fight, walk the walk and pray for them, show them the love of Jesus.

Proverbs 23:9 

Say nothing in the hearing of a foolish man, for he will put no value on the wisdom of your words.
Please email us at  or
If you don’t want your name mentioned in your question, just make that note, but please ask away! For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey and Paul

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