The Divine Shift


The Divine Shift

By: Angel L. Murchison

I woke up at exactly 5am on Saturday morning October 19thand began to pray. I pray for my family, my prayer partners and families, my city and all the ministries that come to mind all across my state and nation(s). I prayed for the woman’s meetings taking place that day and in the days, weeks and months ahead that I knew of. I began to sense a shift as I declared the word of the Lord. Newness, a new beginning, that the prayers prayed had been heard and the answer granted. I sensed the years of intercession before my Father was heard and now the time to receive had arrived.

I immediately began to think of the radio broadcast I felt led to prepare for this coming Saturday. A pastor from downstate gave me permission to air the word he brought to Whited Bible camp this past summer. The wagons are coming. Those wagons are carrying our promises, our children and our destinies for his glory. I get so excited even in prayer I can hardly contain myself.

Sunday morning came and I was still under the warm covers of my blankets, praying and trying to process what I felt the morning prior. The shift, what exactly does that mean and what does that look like for our lives, as I tried to process the seasons of change. Those wagons how close are they and who and what are on them, my inquisitive mind begins to inquire of the Lord. I began to well up with excitement like never before.

I hurriedly arrive at church a little late and take a seat in the back. The excitement in prayer and the warm blankets on these cool fall mornings helped me stay in bed a little later than I should . I immediately began to worship and praise the King, as he is so worthy. It seems the least I could for all he has done for me. The worship leader after a few songs came down from the platform and made his way to the back and with tears in his eyes, shook my hand and said I just had to come tell you the wagons are coming. I told him this message would be airing this Saturday on my radio broadcast of Destiny Moments. Thank you Lord for the privilege of working in your Kingdom, for your glory.

This morning it’s cool and I awaken once again 5am praying under the warm covers. I am declaring the word of the Lord. The wagons are here. The time has come to see promises fulfilled. Salvations, hopes, dreams and visions are being restored. The wagons have arrived. Can you BELIEVE the time has come to see your answer to the prayers you have prayed. Thank him now…..

The prayers of the righteous man or woman availeth much. James 5:16angel murchison

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