POWERFUL Word’s by Angel Murchison for such a Time as this….


The Prayer of Jabez

                                                               By : Angel Murchison

I Chronicles 4:10 Oh, that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that your hand would be with me, and that you would keep me from all evil, and that I might not cause pain.

Today let this be our prayer. Even when we have been done wrong, the Lord will be our justice. We don’t need to try to get even or repay evil for evil for he will make the crooked way straight. Even in our hardship we still have the victory. Let’s continue to do what’s right and touch a world as the Lord open’s those doors of opportunity.

This past weekend I prayed for a woman’s retreat a few towns away. I felt to take a writing Ashes No More that I had written a few years ago and give to each lady. As I had penned the words to this writing I remember the feeling of freedom I had felt from the past bondages I had been in. For whom the son sets free is free indeed, Amen (John 8:36). I had never attended this retreat nor is it one that I was familiar with, but one thing I do know is the word of God is powerful. I wanted to be obedient and give them this writing. I stepped out in faith and delivered them to the retreat center where they were. Later that evening a candlelight service of prayer was held for those precious ladies. They came and sang their theme song. I began to weep as I heard them sing the words by the band Kutless Look what Faith can Do. You must listen to this song today on You-tube. The words you gotta find the strength to rise from the ashes and make a new beginning, still resonates in my mind.

Today, put the past in the past and break free from the chains that have you kept bound. Find freedom from shame and guilt and receive the love of Jesus. Let him give you a new beginning and turn your ashes into beauty. Write beautiful on your mirror today. No matter what life has thrown at you, pain is pain. Sickness, disease, abortion, miscarriage, divorce, rape, abuse, human trafficking, slander and the list seems endless. Apply the word of Lord to your situation; receive the Love of your heavenly Father and let him bind up your wounds. Then step out and take the gift God has placed inside of you and help another break the chains (enlarging the territory). You can do it!

Prayer: Lord I pray a breaking of chains all across the nation(s) today. Just like you spoke to Pharoah Let My People Go, I pray the same for your people here around this globe. There is power in the name of Jesus. There is power in the word of the Lord. Break every chain, break every chain. Be free to be whom the Lord created you to be. Be free and don’t get entangled again in the yoke of bondage (Galatians 5:1) and remember help another break free too. This is your day of freedom.

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