Journeying with Jesus


compassion (1).jpg3angel murchisonJourneying With Jesus

By: Angel L. Murchison

What the world needs is compassion for mankind. Today life is so busy and we miss the opportunities to see the need the Lord places right before our very eyes. His word states man makes their plans but God orders our footsteps. Where had the Lord led you yesterday and where is the Lord taking you today? Have you shown the love of Christ with someone or somewhere today? Don’t live life each day mundane, live life looking for those opportunities the Lord has given you. It may be to bake a cake for your neighbor, feed the hungry, give a hug, smile or a warm embrace. Let the Lord use you today to touch a hurting world. We need more compassion.

As you are well aware our country is closed, our government has shut down. So we know that we cannot put our trust there. There is only one place called prayer and one person to put your trust in and that is in the Lord Jesus Christ. So what do you have need of this day, a job, food, shelter or a friend. Ask Jesus and BELIEVE. BELIEVE with all of your heart.

Keep your eyes open and your ears attentive to what he has for you. Make your plans and see what unfolds. The Lord has a plan. His very own words in Mark 11:24 Jesus said to pray, BELIEVE and receive.

Join the journey of faith, step out and let the Lord use you today. When you pillow your head each night take a moment and reflect on where you have been. What opportunities were you given to be that light in a dark world? Look for where you have journeyed with Jesus each day. Find where you have missed an opportunity and tell the Lord you are sorry and he will give you another chance. Rejoice in where he used you and thank him for the opportunity. If you live each day journeying with Jesus, your life will be full, rich and exciting. You become more aware of the path you are on and his purpose for your life. You may have or be the answer to another person’s prayer. Give it a try, you can do it. You’re the child of the most high God. He loves you. Oh and one more thing don’t forget to thank him for the answer to your prayer. It’s on the way.

Enjoy your day, journeying with Jesus.


Matthew 7:14 NKJV Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few that find it.

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