Happy 35th Wedding Anniversary to Pastor Richard Mansfield and his Angel, Cindy


We just love it when we can thank the Lord for people that serve the Lord, consistently, being in constant obedience to the Lord.  Pastor Richard and Cindy Mansfield of New Beginnings Church in Albuquerque,  just celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary! Praise God! A lady that Pastor Mansfield married months ago wrote, that she was so thankful for him and called him, “The Pastor of New Mexico” I can see that! Pastor Richard became my friend when I was at KKIM Radio and always has been encouraging to me, he had a good talk with me as God was forming FGGAM, I will never forget that talk. His wife Cindy faithfully oversees TBN TV in New Mexico. I don’t get to see Richard or Cindy much, but their testimony of how to do life, is a tremendous witness for us all.  If you would like to share with us the birthday or anniversary, or an accomplishment for God’s Glory Alone, just email me at pastordewey@fggam.org so we can share God’s Glory with the World! Let us always be in prayer for Pastor Richard and Cindy.Richard Mansfield and Cindy

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