Fmr. NM Gov. Richardson a Budget Hawk? Nope, reminds me more of a Huckster, like Mr. Haney of Green Acres!

mr HaneyBill Richardson corruptionBill Richardson is the ultimate Huckster,

  1. 1.
    a person who sells small items, either door-to-door or from a stall or small office.

    synonyms: traderdealersellerpurveyorvendorsalesmansalesperson,peddlerhawker;

    Mr. Haney of Green Acres. That would be Richardson.

 Railrunner (White Elephant that has and will burden New Mexico for years and years.) The budget deficit when he was Governor of New mexico and the untold list of unethical things that took place in his administration! Have people forgotten this disaster?      NM Watchdog has this  story: Really? Bill Richardson, deficit hawk?

The former New Mexico governor increased state spending 46 percent during his eight years in office. So why has he been named to a group dedicated to reducing the nation’s deficits? Read more here.

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