Don’t Judge Me for Judging You


How many times have we heard “Don’t judge me until you’ve walked a mile in my shoes.” Or “You have no idea how I feel on the inside so stop judging me on the outside.” And one of the most quoted Bible verses is Matthew 7:1 ~ Judge not, that ye be not judged.

And yet I confess to you that I judge people.

When Jesus spoke these Words, it was a warning to His disciples not to be like the religious Pharisees. Not to look at the lives of others and make our word law to determine right and wrong by our standards and what we deemed as acceptable. He was not referring to scriptural evaluation of living standards. And if the scripture is the standard for judging I can assure you I have a few beams in my eye that need removing before I ever cast judgment on any one. But… I’m still gonna judge, so don’t judge me for it.

That statement is almost as ridiculous as the man I heard say “I’m Catholic but my wife is a practicing Catholic.” He was telling this to the cute little Amish man that I love at Zinck’s Inn in Berlin, Ohio. He had ask him to explain the Amish faith, and once he had shared the Amish faith background the man felt the need to justify his life by his practicing, non-practicing statement. I would have laughed out loud had it not reminded me of a few Baptist I know.

I know, I know, there I go judging again.

But keep reading Matthew 7 and you’ll come to the verses 15-20

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?  Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Is that not a form of judging to look upon the life of another and examine their effectiveness and legitimacy for the cause of Christ? Sure it is. That’s not judging them by my standards, which is often pathetic, but it’s judging them by the Word of God. Does what they’re saying line up with what God says we’re supposed to do? Hello practicing, non-practicing whatever denomination you cling to. It’s not an unwarranted act of judgment when I examine your life with an attitude of concern for both your soul and the souls for which you touch.

It’s my greatest fear that I’m going to end up with blood on my hands because I failed to tell someone the truth about salvation. And by the way, it’s not biblical to be a non-practicing anything. If you’re not serving God, you’re serving Satan. Plain and simple. So before you judge me for judging you ask yourself this question.

When is the last time you’ve done as Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:19 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:”

When I read those words I can’t help but heap conviction upon my own soul. That’s a righteous judgment. The one that forces me to look back upon myself with the same measure and ask  “when is the last time?” I do teach the Word of God, I do share the gospel in this “Jesus Chick” place, but I am a far cry from the measure of Christ’s expectation of the church. I do not die daily. I do not always pick up my cross and carry it boldly. SometimesI lay it down and sit on it for fear of being too “preacher-y”. It is in those times that I am a non-practicing Christian. Because if you look at the standard of Christianity in scripture they didn’t lay it down. They were crucified on it.

So don’t judge me for judging you. I just need to know if you know Jesus.

Next articleHolding on, By Karen Rowe Oct. 9, 2013
Shari Johnson. (aka The Jesus Chick) has been encouraging women of faith and youth for a closer walk with Christ for over ten years. Having a burden for the leadership in American Churches, much of her writing is meant to spear on the servant of God to do more for the cause of Christ in these uncertain times. With humor, transparency and solid bible teaching Shari outlines messages that are easily understood, life applicable, and often with easily remembered points to ponder in hopes that they’ll be reflected on throughout the day and serve as encouragement on the go. Her servant’s heart is grounded in her own local church believing that it is there that the greatest impact can be made and unfortunately suffers the greatest neglect across America. Shari speaks at women’s gatherings in hopes of leaving a giggle in their soul and a burning desire to serve in their own local body of believers having it said of her “I laughed, I cried, and I was drawn to the foot of the cross…” Which is what it’s all about. For information on scheduling Shari, call her direct at (304)377-6036, message her via email at or find her on Facebook!

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