Small Town Working Class Views with Pastor Dewey: Why are people shocked it is raining?


Rain fell at rates of 2 to 3 inches an hour yesterday in Guadalupe County New Mexico. The Pecos River rose to more than 11 feet, the highest level since 1986. Several roads have been closed in the County because of flooding.  A dam in the County was threatened due to high water levels that sent chunks of concrete downriver. The dam was damaged in 1999 but never repaired. With the recent rains many areas of New Mexico are paying the price now for not keeping up maintenance on such things as dams and roads.  More rain is forecast for the area today, as is the same for much of the state, PRAISE GOD! Let the healing rains continue. I am sadden when I hear the State Fair PR guy announce they have the power to call a halt to the rains, only God my friends, and the rains are healing our land. New Mexico is in a severe drought, how dare we call an end to the rains. As I have said, many of the problems of flooding, etc is because of the lack of maintenance and preventive measures that one should take with rain. Many arroyos, dams, roads, property  were not fixed and maintained during the drought. We found that to be the case with communities running out of water this summer, wells were not maintained. There used to be this old fashioned thing called PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE. People seem shocked that it is raining so much, I am not, we have been praying over this for 3 years!  It’s funny watching the TV news, many of the reporters act like they have never seen rain before! LOL! maybe they have not, I interviewed Tim Sweet of the Billy The Kid Museum Quad 1 in Fort Sumner, NM awhile back and he said, “We would not know rain if we saw it!!!” LOL LOL! We also pray for the safety and well being of all during the rains, thank YOU LORD for your healing rains! In Jesus name, Amen!

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