Lovelace cuts healthcare benifits: Obamacare Disaster: Tearing apart healthcare and families


obamacare4Just a few weeks ago UPS announced they would not cover employees spouses health insurance, affecting 15,000 people. Now Lovelace Health System in Albuquerque has announced that Spouses and domestic partners of employees will have to get health insurance through their own employers. Lovelace will continue to offer health benefits to spouses and domestic partners whose employers do not offer health insurance.

America does not want Obamacare! Look at the recent polls! Obamacare is tearing apart healthcare, families, and businesses.

I am dumbfounded that America is not in more of an uproar over this!

I just returned from visiting Carol Ring at the Heart Hospital in Albuquerque. In the waiting room a discussion was going on about Obamacare. People are upset that it has not been stopped by are so called leaders.

Rates are increasing dramatically!

It’s like watching a train wreck take place right in front of you!

Nobody in this country has been refused healthcare because they did not have insurance.

Ted Cruz is even being abandoned by his own party:

Sen. Ted Cruz on Tuesday vowed to speak in opposition to President Barack Obama’s health care law until he’s “no longer able to stand,” even though fellow Republicans privately urged him to back down from his filibuster for fear of a possible government shutdown in a week.

“This grand experiment is simply not working,” the Texas freshman told a largely empty chamber of the president’s signature domestic issue. “It is time to make D.C. listen.”

I am thankful for Sen. Cruz’s backbone! Where are the rest of the Republicans, and the Democrats that see the light? There are some, aren’t there?

Read here how Obamacare is hurting a family:


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