Archbishop Sheehan issues statement on Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance


Protect ABQ Women & Children Applauds Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan, Archdiocese of Santa Fe,

for Showing Strong Support of “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance”


ALBUQUERQUE, NM –  Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan has issued the following statement:

The Archdiocese of Santa Fe congratulates the grass root efforts of so many to place a late-term abortion ban on the ballot of the City of Albuquerque. This achievement demonstrates the people’s will to defend life.As Archbishop of Santa Fe, I encourage all the people of Albuquerque to support the proposed ordinance to ban late-term abortion after the 20th week. These children are able to feel pain and suffer greatly when aborted.

mihaelsheehan2The campaign to pass this proposal will bear much fruit. First, if the ordinance passes, it will protect children. Second, the energy, time, and resources dedicated to the campaign will educate the public. I daily meet people who are shocked to know that New Mexico permits late-term abortion. The public will be educated as to the reality of what is happening in our State.  New Mexico now attracts those seeking late-term abortions from around the Country because of

the lack of laws. During this campaign many people will learn the immorality of abortion and some children’s’ lives will be saved by the education of their parents.  I hope the State Legislature will pass a Statewide Bill banning late-term abortion, given the support in Albuquerque.

Please join me in supporting this effort with energy, time, and resources. Together we can get out the vote on November 19, 2013.

Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan

Archbishop of Santa Fe

In July, Protect ABQ Women & Children, along with other pro-life groups turned in nearly 27,000 signatures, more than double the necessary needed to put the measure on a city-wide ballot, in half the allotted time. Protect ABQ Women & Children is a local advocacy campaign that is working to raise awareness of the dangers of the late-term abortion industry in Albuquerque and to garner support for the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance” which bans abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy.


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