A Life Lived


I have included at picture of myself and Darlene Quiring.Darlene quiring pic Sharon and I met her a year ago at the Cottonwood County fair in Windom, Minnesota. Thank you Darlene for all you do for the Kingdom! Now enjoy Darlene’s latest post:  I recently had a heated discussion with someone over the issue of gossiping. Although I love the person very much who was doing the gossiping, I just could not take anymore of it. It makes me feel bad inside to know that we have the ability of tearing each other down. Like we have no concern for each others feelings and how this could literally harm someones well being as well as their future. My motto is, “Those who gossip with you have no problems gossiping about you!”

I think about what would happen if something happened to this person or to me before we had the opportunity to make it right? Would God be happy that we hold this in our hearts? Would God be happy that we hurt each other with anger? No, He would not! If I may go one step further for those of you who are not God fearing people, we must be cognizant at all times that no matter what our belief system may be, people are people and once they are wounded or hurt it takes a lot to put them back together sometimes. So its important that we treat each other as if it is our last time together. Life is never promised and can be taken from us without warning.

As I got up this morning I saw a post on one of my friends pages that was full of joy over the saving of a small kitten from a dumpster. How his little girl was so excited and thankful to be in that area at that time to save this little life. Several posts and hours later I saw how my friend posted RIP regarding this little kitten. His daughter was not awake yet to learn of this little babies fate. Her life is getting ready to change. That kittens life changed. Not because it lost its life, but because for a few short hours it knew what true love felt like. It could have died in that dumpster, but through fate and divine intervention it had the ability to be touched by someone who would truly love it for whatever time was given. In that short amount of time that baby kitten also touched the life of that child. Forever from this moment forward she will be able to understand what pain is. She will be able to understand what it means to give of herself to something smaller and weaker than she is. She will forever be able to understand that it is not the amount of time we spend with something or someone that counts, but the quality. That baby kitten may have lost its life, but in its short time it was able to give her a life lesson.

So, I say all of this to get to this point. We come into contact with one another and we hope that those connections will always be fond ones. We should strive to make them fond ones. We should never do anything that could hurt our fellow man because if something should happen to them, we have no way of going back and asking for their forgiveness. Our purpose in life is to be as helpful as we can and as kind as we would want others to be to us. Life is a journey that has no pre- programmed GPS. The roads we take are our own and we must commit to them. We must make sure that we try to avoid as many potholes as possible and should we hit them, let us leave a message for those who come behind us so that they do not fall into the same ones. Yes, life is life and it holds no promises of tomorrow. But what it does hold is our ability to touch one another in this moment; in this time; in this place. Don’t let another moment go by that you do not leave a positive reflection on someones life. That might be your legacy!!