Why Baseball is so Great


great catchAt the time this post is published I will be happily on vacation with my family.  We will be relaxing and getting ready to take in our annual baseball excursion.  Each year we try and take a vacation at or around a city that has a major league baseball team.  This has become a tradition for our family.  A tradition that has caused to be think a bit more as to why I like baseball so much.  A tradition that fires up my two sons with excitement as they think back on their past little league season.  With that as a backdrop here are my reasons why baseball is so great.

Baseball is a game of inches.  The bases are 90 feet apart.  If they were 89 or 91 we wouldn’t have as many close plays that occur now.  Inches make a difference in baseball.  The details matter.  One inch to the left or right makes a difference between a fair ball and a foul ball or between a long foul ball and a home run.  These inches and details can make a significant difference in the outcome.  Reminds me of how we need to always be aware of the little things in our lives that can make a big difference in the outcome.  Zech 4:10.

Baseball is a bit like therapy.  When I was going through a tough personal time in my life, I could always count in the consistency of the game.  I so looked forward to being able to go my children’s little league fields and coach them or watch games.  I was able, even if for a brief moment, escape the problems of my life through the love of the game.  A game that is consistent.  A game that requires adherence to the rules.  A game that constant.  In a world that is changing every day, it’s nice to know that some things remain the same.  A reminder that our Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever.  Heb 13:8.

Baseball connects the past to the present.  The same game that my children are playing is the same game I played as a child and through high school.  That game I played is the same that Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, and Willie Mays played.  It is a game of statistics.  Comparisons of the past with an eye toward the future.  What other game can you measure yourself against what others from 100 years ago did?  Only baseball allows you to compare statistics, gives you a reference point to where you are succeeding and allows you to forget what happened yesterday in exchange for the hope of tomorrow.  Phil 3:13

After all is said and done and the lights are dimmed the game still gets played again tomorrow.  Maybe you missed the game today.  Maybe you messed up at playing the game today.  No need to fret the great game of baseball will allow you the freedom to move forward the next day.  The great game of baseball forgives easily.  Even though you may have failed yesterday you don’t have to allow that failure to define your future or your game tomorrow.  For these reasons baseball is so great. It is a forgiving game. Come to think of it, these are the exact same reasons Jesus Christ is so great!

Until Next Time,


David A. Standridge

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David Standridge
David Standridge graduated from Albuquerque High School and attended the University of New Mexico for his undergraduate work. He graduated with a degree in Political Science and Economics and graduated magna cum laude. He then went on to attend Law School at the University of New Mexico, graduating cum laude. In 1997 he formed the Standridge Law Firm, n/k/a the Justice Legal Group where he has been practicing law for the past 16 years. In addition to practicing law, David and his wife, Debbie, own several small businesses. David frequently speaks about legal and political issues to different community groups and organizations. David has been appointed to various boards and commissions in New Mexico. David has been married to Debbie for 19 years and has two sons, Isaac and Rylee. In his free time, David volunteers for little league baseball, enjoys gardening, hunting, and reading.


  1. David Stanridge thank you for this awesome post and comparison of life and Baseball your example is an inspiration to many. And may always remember it is “For the LOVE Of the Game”

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