The Word of the Day: God’s healing rains


word of the dayGod’s healing rains have come to New Mexico. For 3 years we have been praying for these rains. It s a movement of God here in New Mexico as God see’s His people taking a stand for the sanctity of life.

There are headlines in the Albuquerque Journal this morning declaring: “Wild weather wreaks havoc” My headline is: God answer’s  prayer!

or “God’s healing rains come to New Mexico”

In Chapter 10 verse 1 in Zechariah it says..Ask of the Lord rain in the time of the latter or spring rain. It is the Lord Who makes lightnings which usher in the rain and give men showers, and grass to everyone in the field.

The Journal headline makes me think of the anti-abortion effort going on here in Albuquerque, “Anti-abortion storm hit’s City, God’s healing rains come”


  1. Praise the Lord! The rain is not only refreshing, but sorely needed. Communities like Magdalena and Boles Acres (near here) have seen municipal wells go dry. Ranchers are losing cattle to drought. It could rain every day for a while before aquafers and lakes are replenished. Let it rain!

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