Bonus Sunday! The Word of the Day: Patience is trusting—believing in—the potential of others! AMEN!


extra bonusThe Lord moved me to share something extra with you today! Let’s call it an EXTRA BONUS! PRAISE GOD! We must be obedient to God, listen to Him then act……here we go……PATIENCE is trusting!

I have had to pray myself into patience.

Patience is trusting—-believing in—-the potential of others.

Patience is humbly holding back YOUR knowledge in order to FACILITATE the knowing of others and then celebrating THEIR GROWTH, It never says, “I knew that.” I get so sad when I hear someone say, “I KNEW THAT” when someone is trying to learn. Some people are so quick to say: I KNEW THAT! Be sensitive.

Patience confidently says, “You have more in you.”

Patience, in other words, is looking at the masterpiece that is our child, our coworker, our spouse, our student, our friends and, rather than trying to improve on the master’s work, admiring—–perhaps even oohing and aahing over ——-that person’s unique design. In Jesus name, Amen!