You are a Woman of Destiny


Atodaywomen of destiny

A Morning Cup of Hope


By: Angel L. Murchison



You Are a Woman of Destiny



I remember fasting and praying for days at a prayer summit I went to several years ago. We prayed a prayer of agreement together that went something like this…Lord; I want to be a woman of Destiny. I give you all of my life, my children, my family and other people’s opinions of me. Here I am Lord, send me into my call. Help me to break down any strongholds that stop me from completely serving you. I will go anywhere you ask me to go and do anything you ask me to do as long as I know it is your will for my life, In Jesus name I pray…Amen


I wrote in my journal that night…Lord I want to be a woman devoted to prayer. I desire to reach beyond my own comfort zone and beyond any barriers to push forward for whatever you may entrust to me. Lord I desire to be a bright light in a very dark world. Oh Lord I want to be a woman of destiny, I want to fulfill the purpose of my calling, Oh God, use me.


I then wrote this…


Daughters, I have loved you with an everlasting love. I have called you, saved you and desire to set you free. Free to worship me, free to praise my name. Daughters, I don’t sleep nor slumber, I am aware of all that concerns you. Take my yoke upon you for it is easy and light. Cast all your cares upon me, Jesus. I will work my plan and provision for you. My love for you is sufficient. Trust me- look to me the author and finisher of your faith. You are a woman of Destiny.


Recently, I went to a local woman’s conference. We were asked to hold up a sign and have our picture taken. Some were holding up a sign that said leader, courageous, strong, etc. I just had to make my own. I wrote I am a Woman of Destiny. I embraced that prayer from years ago and today I encourage you to do the same.


You are no ordinary woman. You are gifted, unique, special, no one quite like you. You don’t need to compare yourself to anyone. For you were created to be you. You are great and there is a great plan for your life. Can you believe? Can you receive? Sometimes the trials of life knocks us down, but can you get back up and say I will trust my Lord, the one that created me.


Life is not always easy, nor is it always fair, but we know the one that has promised never to leave us nor forsake us. He said nothing could ever separate us from his love. I believe, do you?


So stand up, shake off the sorrows of yesterday, reach for what he has for you today and leave tomorrow in his hands. You truly are a Woman of Destiny. Never forget it, don’t let anyone take it away, for the world needs you. You are great, you are gifted, and you are talented. You truly are a woman of Destiny.


Make a sign, write it, journal it, but most of all believe it. Let the one that created you write it on your heart today.




Prayer: Lord I pray for every woman across this globe today. You have created them in your image and have made them for greatness. I pray strength, courage and faith for every woman. Whatever their need is I pray you meet it according to your riches in glory. Lord for women that don’t know their value, thank you for teaching them by your word. In Jeremiah it states you knew us before the foundations of the earth and you have a plan for each and every life. I pray the unfolding plan for every woman across this globe today. I join my faith with theirs that the next step will unfold. I stand against discouragement, disappointment and despair. We replace it with hope, faith and trust. For you state in your word you are watching over your word to perform it. We wait expectantly, for you are not a man that you should lie. We Believe. We are Women of Destiny.