Transformation and Hope



Dear family of Our Lord Jesus Christ,



This past weekend Gretchen and Lars made the trip from Chicago to South Bend, Indiana to visit our 
old home and neighborhood!! brought back many memories! Wish old Dad could have been with the kid’s! 
Word of the day:
“If you knew the gift of God,” Jesus had said to her, “and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water” John 4:10
Thought for the Day:
God transforms everything He touches, I know, He has touched me.
I pray this over all of you, that God has transformed you!
This past Saturday I was called over to the home of Rick and Sandy Stambaugh. The Lord used us to help bring back Rick and Sandy to the Lord and get them back into the church. They came to hear me Preach at Pastor Marty Coopers church and then Rick and Sandy became members! PRAISE GOD! Rick had me come over and meet with the whole family as he told Sandy that he has cancer, this comes as Sandy just got released from the hospital for pneumonia. Many prayers and tears Saturday morning. Pastor Marty and his lovely wife Paulette also came as I was leaving. The word Terminal cancer is used by many, it is a common term, but it is not of God. We are not to use the word terminal, God is a healing God. God determines everything.
I love to say God has over 3,500 promises in His Word………and it is good for us to be in His Word each day to absorb these promises into our heart, soul and mind as we put on the Armour of God each day, to face this world we live in. AMEN!
I called my Dear friend Sonja for counsel and prayer as I was going to share at Rick and Sandy’s. Sonja is in inspiration to me as she has faced and dealt with cancer in her life. I asked Sonja to share her story this morning………..
Dear Dewey,
I am getting ready to celebrate my 10 year anniversary of surviving breast cancer!  I have been reflecting on the experience and wouldn’t trade it for anything.  God had a purpose in it for me.  Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord…plans to give you hope and a future.” 
Following my annual mammogram I received a certified letter in the mail that said they found something unusual and to follow up with another mammogram in six months.  Within days I got a call from my gynecologist and he said he was sending me to a breast cancer surgeon.  He said he didn’t think I had cancer, but early detection saves lives!  Within a week I saw Dr. Lise Walker and she said she didn’t think I had cancer, but wanted to do some tests.  The appointment was scheduled and tests completed.  I was anxious to get my results and get on with my life, because there was no reason to think I had cancer!
On July 10, 1993, I called Dr. Walker before I went home for lunch.  She asked me if I was ready for this…and proceeded to tell me the news.  She said I had two kinds of breast cancer, ductal carcinoma in situ and a small invasive tumor that was only 3 mm in size.  To say the least, I was shocked and the phone call became a blur, but I remember two things she said, “We caught this early and I will get you through this.”  My supervisor told me to go home for the day and I cried as I left work.  When I drove in our driveway, I saw my husband and wondered how I would get the words out of my mouth to tell him that I had breast cancer.  Somehow, I managed to tell him and I will never forget what it felt like to be held in his arms at that moment, as we both cried.
My diagnosis was unexpected and this was not supposed to happen!  I was only 46 years old and we had just gotten married.  We had just started a new life together and we were in process of building a new house.  Besides, I had followed the rules and this is not what I had planned!  I had never smoked; I worked out and kept my weight down; I had my children early in life and nursed them; I started having mammograms when I turned 40 years old….all things that help prevent breast cancer.  My thought was that I wanted my life back, and I wanted it back without the c-word in it!
It felt like the wind had been knocked out of my sails and it took some time to pick myself up and get ready to fight. July 10th was the day that I found out I had cancer, but it was also the day I began to treat it and get well again!  Treatment for cancer is not like getting over a cold, it is more like running a marathon; it takes a long time and you need to pace yourself.  My race included two lumpectomies, a mastectomy, chemotherapy, reconstructive surgery and months of recovery.  As I was going through treatment, my gynecologist told me, “this all will be in your rear view mirror before you know it.” That gave me hope because the process to complete treatment took over a year.  My family, my friends were all there to support me.  People I didn’t even know came out of the woodwork to help me and now, I love being able to help others!
My doctors helped get me through this and breast cancer is in my rear view mirror, but it is often on my mind, just like any chronic disease.  Yet it does not diminish the quality of my life.  It was a life changing experience for me and I no longer linger over thoughts of how this happened to me.  I know that God and the good choices that I made along the way saved my life and helped me finish the marathon.  I gained clarity…about who I am and what I want from life.  I look at life in a whole new way, as something I am blessed to experience.  I rejoice in every day of life and try not to take my health for granted.  My desire is to draw nearer to God and the people who bring meaning to my life.
In closing, Ps. 138:2 says, “I will give thanks to your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness, because your promises are backed by all the honor of your name.”
In gratitude,
Sonja Haldeman
1974 Graduate of Windom, Minn (Classmate of Dewey) Now lives in Surprise, Arizona.
Thank you for sharing Sonja. We are in continued prayer for you and Rick and Sandy Stambaugh.
Please join us in prayer for God’s healing rains to come to New Mexico. Please read my post here:
Don’t forget to join Pastor Paul and myself on KDAZ at Noon today ;
Please continue to pray for us. We also would be so thankful if you would sow seeds into FGGAM. We need your support to continue Radio and TV and our day to day Ministry. Have we been a help to you? FGGAM is a Worldwide Ministry reaching thousands every week by the internet, radio and TV. 
You can give at or mail to FGGAM PO BOX 65516 Albuquerque, NM 87193 Would you consider giving just $10.00 a month? Would you consider giving FGGAM part of your summer vacation fund? $30.00 a month? We really need to hear from those of you we have never heard from. You can set up monthly giving on our web site or mail in your monthly gift. We have many costs. Help us continue, by fueling this ministry. God Bless you all.
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family

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Thank you,

Dewey Moede

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  1. I just want to say Hallejuah Sonja, I am so happy that God pathed the way for you back to healthy health. It has been years since I have seen you, and now that we have sold Moms house on Fish Lake, I haven’t even been back over to that side of the lake, but we do have great memories of growing up there for sure. God bless you and your family, thank you much for the story.. amen and httlog

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