Is Rural Tennessee Becoming the Muslims Next Dearborn, Michigan?


muslims in america

Written by Laurie Sterling

Muslims are winning the war of political correctness in America.  On June 4, 2013, an event will be held in Tennessee called “Public Disclosure in a Diverse Society.” Bill Killian, a U.S. Attorney from Eastern Tennessee will be accompanied by special agent Kenneth Moore from the FBI to inform citizens that their right to free speech involving Muslims might be a violation of federal law.


Brian Justice of The Tullahoma News describes the event’s purpose as “increasing awareness and understanding that American Muslims are not the terrorists some have made them out to be in social media and other circles.”


The social media that Mr. Justice is referring to is a Facebook post showing a man pointing a gun which was captioned, “How to wink at a Muslim.”  While most do not condone this, American citizens do have First Amendment rights protected by the Constitution.


Muslims are clearly a favored class of the Obama administration.  Glenn Beck’s documentary “The Project” proves that members of the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated American government at the highest levels, including The Department of Homeland Security.


With this in mind, law-abiding citizens may wonder why this type of event never transpired after the Black Panthers threatened to kill “cracker baby” and intimidated voters during the election of 2008. They might ask why there is no conference with the FBI to explain tolerance of white Americans to the Black Panthers.  Why are groups like the Black Panthers and Muslims always singled out for “tolerance” while other groups are stifled from speaking out against violence?


The article in the Tullahoma News tries to downplay Muslim terrorism and focuses instead on Timothy McVeigh, stating that he was a supposed “Christian.”  The article continues by taking on an elitist attitude assuming that the average American does not know the difference between a Muslim and a Hindu.  It goes on to explain that the event will serve to “educate” the public on such issues.  Mr. Justice further states that there have been several groups of Muslims speaking out against terrorism, it’s just that their articles are not being published.  While this might have been a great opportunity for such proponents of Islam to post links to the above, none are attached.


Further, in a strangely worded comment, Mr. Justice writes, “Sponsor of the event is the American Muslim Advisory Council of Tennessee — a 15-member board formed two years ago when the General Assembly was considering passing legislation that would restrict those who worship Sharia Law, which is followed by Muslims. (Italics added) Was this a typo that should have read “…legislation that would restrict those who worship under Sharia Law?  One might conclude that this is an attempt to combine the political system of Sharia Law with the religion of Islam.  Where is the separation of church and state here?


It is clear that the Muslim community will try to implement Sharia Law in America incrementally, starting with the suppression of free speech.  They will do this by using intimidation and scare tactics.  The Muslims are inching ahead in the war on free speech using the tool of “political correctness” as their weapon of choice. What is most shocking is the following statement made by U.S. Attorney Killian in that same article: “Killian said Internet postings that violate civil rights are subject to federal jurisdiction. “That’s what everybody needs to understand,” he (Killian) said.”


This is clearly intimidation of our own free speech, supposedly protected under our First Amendment.  It is saying that Muslims will be protected unlike any other group and must be handled with kid gloves.  It is stifling the rights of American citizens to exercise their God given right to free speech.  Further, one wonders why this is being held in a small town in Tennessee.


With the recent opening of the Murfreesboro mosque and the massive influx of Muslim Somalian refugees to Tennessee, Shelbyville seems to be the model for the next Dearborn.


The event goes from 6:30 to 8:30 PM and will take place at the Manchester-Coffee County Conference Center, 147 Hospitality Blvd., Manchester, Tennessee.



  1. Muslims are clearly a favored class of the Obama administration. Glenn Beck’s documentary “The Project” proves that members of the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated American government at the highest levels, including The Department of Homeland Security.\
    this alone is scary to think about, yet we have been told of the impending endtimes, and it has totally begun.
    somehow we as Americans especially Christians must not be afraid to stand up, that our rights will not be just taken without a fight.

  2. Check out the new standards for English and American History in Tennessee. We are told that they are raising the bar to AP level. Well, Ap teaches only modern, nonfiction literature. The beliefs of our founding fathers and the great literary canon is bypassed for “modern, non-fiction.” American History will begin AFTER the Civil War, also bypassing the founding of our nation upon the religious principals that made us “one Nation Under God.” I can remember when Muslims in the classroom used to tell me they were not allowed to study the Puritans because it was against their beliefs. Well, now nobody will be studying them. Joseph Campbell, one of my favorite autors, said that a culture that fails to teach its young its mythos (religious background) does not survive. Well, our new book has Muslim authors in it, and we begin with WWI. I am afraid; very afraid. This is the Federal Gove. new Standards Based Education folks.

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