Shona Neff makes her debut at FGGAM with : The Servant Plan



I have known Shona for years as Manager of KKIM Christian Radio the Lord sent her to me to get her radio ministry started and she invited me to one of her writers workshops and that is where I met Pastor Paul Holt who now teams with me here at FGGAM. Shona has a great heart for our Lord! It comes through in her writings and speaking! We are thankful to have her with us for God’s Glory Alone! She and her hubby Warren live in White Rock, NM with a cast of doggies! My little buddy Kramer is one of them!

So, you think you’re a servant? Yeah, I thought I was until I read about the prophet Samuel. Now there’s a servant! I was wide-eyed with wonder when I dove headfirst into the life of this incredible man of God.

I thought serving people meant “doing” for others and, yes, it does. However, genuine service bursts forth from godly roots. Samuel is an example of how those roots can bloom.

The Servant Plan

God had a plan for Samuel even while he was still young. Eli, a priest and judge for Israel, was a huge presence in Samuel’s early life. However, Eli’s sons were very wicked, and God decided to cut Eli’s family’s time of ministering in the temple short. God made this pronouncement: “I will raise up for myself a faithful priest, who will do according to what is in my heart and mind. I will firmly establish his house, and he will minister before my anointed one always,” (1 Samuel 2:35 NIV). Samuel was that faithful priest.

God had a servant plan for Samuel, and Samuel went on to become a great spiritual leader for Israel. The greatest people in God’s kingdom followed God’s servant plan for them. Look at Jesus . . . from the time he was baptized until he hung on the cross He served man at the good pleasure (and plan) of God the Father. What about the Apostle Paul? He endured stones, shipwrecks, snakes, and Pharisees to serve Jesus and new Christians. Do you know that God also has a servant plan for you?

The Genuine Servant

What makes us genuine? It’s when our hearts and minds embrace our interests such as a hobby, work, our purpose, or our Christian lives. It’s an enthusiasm that wells up from deep inside. A genuine servant loves God and others. We know from 1 Samuel 2:35 that Samuel had a heart and mind for God. What about us?

For years my mind dominated my Christian walk. It was easy for me to grasp God on an intellectual level, but I was forever dragging my heart along. That lopsided combination didn’t work so well. I discovered that, even though I did good things, I wasn’t as genuine or effective as God planned. My heart wasn’t in play, and I had a hard time loving others and extending mercy and grace.

Some people have plenty of heart, but their minds lag behind. A heart that is not balanced with the mind is often ruled by emotions and doesn’t always know WHAT God wants or HOW to emulate Him. Emotions are a portal that allows the flesh to adversely affect our service.

It takes a heart and mind of equal parts to be an effective servant. That was the well spring of Samuel’s devotion. He served God even when it pained his heart, because, in his mind, Samuel knew it was right. But, it was Samuel’s heart that gave him compassion for those he served. When the Israelites clamored for a king Samuel was opposed, but God told Samuel to find a king (1 Samuel 8). It was hard, but Samuel, more than anything wanted to do God’s bidding.

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things,” (Colossians 3:1-2 NIV). It often takes intentionality be a genuine servant.

The Seeking Servant

Service opportunities are not always going to fall into our laps. Samuel happened to live in the temple, but so did Eli’s wicked sons. Even at a young age Samuel sought to minister before the Lord (1 Samuel 3:18), while Hophni and Phinehas sought out ungodly activities. Who was the better servant? Samuel! Seeking shows us how and where to serve.

The Listening Servant

Samuel always listened to God starting with the midnight call early in his priestly career (1 Samuel 3) throughout the years when Samuel shared God’s words with the people of Israel.

How well to we listen to God? He speaks to us through His Word, with gentle nudging in our hearts, and, to some, with an audible voice. How sensitive are we when God speaks to us? Are we even listening so we can answer His call to serve?

The Active Servant

Action is where the so-called “rubber meets the road.” God can make the best plan, our “hearts and minds” can be motivated, we can seek out godly things, and we can listen, BUT if we don’t act, all is worthless. I know a lot about that. I am pretty good at laying out the best of intentions, then NOT following through. It’s a natural hindrance in some people’s personality. It is in mine, but that is no excuse. An effective servant ACTS.

Samuel’s life inspires me, and I am becoming a better servant. I’m still not perfect, but God isn’t looking for perfection . . . He wants good and faithful servants. Now that my heart and mind are working in tandem I have a new-found enthusiasm to serve God by serving others. I’m more open to opportunities since my seeking and listening skills are improving leading me to action. So, you see, serving God isn’t just about “doing” for others — it’s a lifestyle that begins with God’s plans for YOU and ends with YOU actively serving others.

Maybe your service for God already blooms big. If so, bless your heart, the world needs you. Maybe you are like me and those roots are still developing. Well, bless your heart, too, because it’s never too late to start – the world needs late bloomers, too.

©2013 shona neff