UPDATE AT 3:13pm on Judy Prayer need: My friend, classmate Lynn Nagorske


prayer warrior

Update at 3:13pm on Judy

Dewey, this is Bob Hartley with Albuquerque Fire. I just left UNM Hospital seeing Judy in ICU. They started seeing things improve with her yesterday. They took the props from her brain, which they have determined her trauma to the brain is not as bad as thought. She is still on a ventilator, but they are slowly weening her off of it. The concern is for her lungs which are in bad shape from inhaling vomit. Her body is also trying to rid itself of 1700 cc’s of fluids that she took in.
The family is very thankful for the prayers and are very positive with how she has improved. I told them that was the Power of Prayer.
She is not out of the woods, but we can see the light.
Please keep the prayers coming.
God Bless


Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,


Today I received a phone call from my High School classmate Sonja Haldeman about our classmate Lynn Nagorske. I remember Lynn as a highly intelligent friendly man! An intelligent level that I have never reached! LOL!   I would read in the Windom paper (Our Hometown) of his great work as a banker. Sonja called to tell me Lynn is in his final days of life here on earth because of cancer. 




I have not talked to or seen Lynn since 1974.




Only God through His servant, Sonja could this connection happen again! 




This was an appointed time by God.




To accomplish what God wants done.




I called Lynn and we had a wonderful Godly conversation, we picked up from our School days! He knows he is going to Heaven. He told me at the end of our conversation, “You keep doing what you are doing!” I will remember that the rest of my life. I prayed over him and his family. I told him what a blessing to be able to talk and pray with him. I asked him later in a text message if our prayer warriors could pray for him and his lovely wife Pam and children. He said Absolutely! What a Blessing!




Lynn is in his final days here on earth in his late 50’s. What a testimony to all of us, he is ready to meet our Lord. 




This is not the script Lynn has written for his life, but he has accomplished much while here on earth, he did not waste his life. He served God’s people in his profession with Biblical principles. He has served God well and his family.




He served people……. he did not expect to be served.




May we do the same.




His Testimony is on going.




The Lord gave me this scripture……………




Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12




Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your Life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. James 4:13-14




I pray that you will filly soak in the impact of this email into your life. God Bless you and yours forever and ever, Dewey Sharon and Family