I Know it was a Miracle from God



I Know It Was A Miracle From God


Written by  Rhonda submitted by Darlene Quiring


     My miracle came through my daughter. She is 10 years old and has what is called spinal bifida which is a defect in her spine. It did not develop correctly. God has healed her numerous times, but one time that sticks out vividly in my mind happened two years ago. My daughter was having sever choking spells. Sometimes she would loose her breath and we would have to do CPR on her. She started having really bad head aches and so we took her to a neurologist. He did a cat-scan (a scan of the brain) and it showed that she had a tumor on her brain stem. They said they could not operate on it. They said if they did operate on it there was a chance she could die or be severely brain damaged. But if we did not do the surgery she would die or get brain damage anyway. 

     We did not know what to do. How can you make a decision like that about your child’s life. We prayed and prayed and prayed. We called everyone we knew that was a Christian and could really get in touch with God. The doctor decided before we went any further he wanted another cat scan and an MRI (both are test that show the brain (in this case) up close and in detail. He said he would call us with the results. We waited two weeks and did not hear anything. Then I got worried. My husband said no news is good news. We prayed and prayed some more finally on the third week I called the doctors office and talked to the nurse and she said she would give him the message.

Two days later he finally called. My heart felt like it would come through my chest. Then I heard the words “I am sorry it took me so long to call you back, but I had the radiologist reread the x-rays.” He continued “Then when the report came back the same I sent for the film.” I asked him if it was that bad and he said “Ma’am the tumor is gone!” He said that it had taken so long to get back because they kept comparing the two x-rays. I burst into tears and said THANK YOU LORD, THANK YOU! The doctor continued with “I don’t know what happened but there must be someone looking out for that little girl” We could not wait to get to church to tell everyone. I called everyone to tell them how God had healed my daughter. I know there are some people who would say they made a mistake on the first x-ray, but I am here to tell you I KNOW THAT IT WAS A MIRACLE FROM GOD. HE CHOSE TO HEAL MY DAUGHTER! ONLY THE TOUCH OF THE MASTERS HAND COULD OF DONE THIS FOR MY DAUGHTER! Also, my daughter the first 7 years of her life was in the hospital for at least two weeks every month and PRAISE THE LORD SHE HAS BEEN HOSPITAL FREE FOR 3 YEARS!

     God does miracles every day we just have to be willing to accept them as that! The birth of a baby! Someone getting saved! Tumors disappearing! God is so good to this undeserving person and he has performed so many miracles in my life that it would take me a life time to thank him!