We give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word


cup with deweyDear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,


We Just love having a CUP with you! It makes my day that I can start it with you!



Please check out all our postings at www.fggam.org ;



We will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word. Acts 6:4



As you drink this CUP our prayer is that you are very encouraged in our Lord! AMEN!



Good Morning Peeps! Have an Incredible Day! :)



Great picture of  Cowboy Clarence and his Doctor! The Cowboy can charm the bark off a tree!
Went to Socorro yesterday to visit with the Cowboy in the Hospital.
Photo: Great picture of the Cowboy and his Doctor! The Cowboy can charm the bark off a tree!




























Loved seeing the Cowboy! He is getting better and may come home today! Look at that smile! he loves you and thanks you for your prayers. Folks, you will never know all the folks your prayers touch here at the CUP until you get to heaven. The Cowboy breaks down and cries when he thinks of all of you praying. We are praying for continued  recovery from that awful bout of influenza that has left the Cowboy weak. He will be going through rehab. This young man is a treasure to the Kingdom of God, he is pure as white snow, he accepts all. His smile is a message to us all, it is a smile from God.



Last night after a long day Sharon visited with Jolene in the Hospital, as I mentioned yesterday she has pneumonia from her immune system being shot from all the Chemo. Once again Jolene thanks you all from the bottom of her heart for your prayers.





Prayer is the essence of the Spiritual life without which all ministry loses its meaning. It is the fulfillment of the great commandment to love the Lord with all our heart, all our soul and all our mind…..To pray is to unite ourselves with Jesus and lift up the whole world through Him to God in a cry of forgiveness, reconciliation, healing, and mercy….Most of all, prayer is the way to become and remain part of Jesus mission to draw all people to the intimacy of God’s love.” by Henri Nouwen, The Only Necessary Thing: Living a Prayerful Life
Billy Graham says,” That heaven is full of answers to prayer for which no one ever bothered to ask! Many times I have been driven to prayer. When I was in Bible school I didn’t know what to do with my life. I tried walking the streets…….and pray, sometimes for hours at a time. In His timing, God answered those prayers, and since then prayer has been an essential part of my life. I have never met anyone who spent time in daily prayer, and in the study of the Word of God, and was strong in faith, who was ever discouraged for very long.”
I just love reading the words of Billy Graham! Thank YOU LORD!
After so many years in Radio/TV/Blog I get people that come up to me saying they have read my stuff for years or heard me on radio, saw me on TV (I always say after seeing me, this face, on TV, I hope you are feeling better soon!!! LOL LOL!) My point here is that you never know through your prayers how strong of an impact you have had on the Kingdom. YOU MY FRIEND by praying for all the needs here at the CUP are helping change lives! God answers prayer. You all went to prayer for the Cowboy, and now he is being healed. When his Mother Anita called me to tell me that the Cowboy was in the Hospital she was crying when asking for all of you to pray. YOU my friends make a difference for the Kingdom of God! You help make the Kingdom of God visible to the World! AMEN!
I got a message that one of the folks that has had substance abuse problems is clean right now, we have been praying for him.
I got another message from Joseph yesterday, we have been praying for him, and he is on the straight road right now.
God smiles when we all come together for a CUP and prayer. 
My friend Lena, nearly 90, living in Los Lunas, NM I talked to her the other day and she prayers everyday….constantly for people. Some folks trying to be nice will quickly say they are praying for you, BUT LENA PRAYS AND PRAYS! So do we here at the CUP!
I pray for you all each day asking for blessings for you…for good health and protection for you and your family. I see all of your names each day when I mail out the CUP! 
I explained this to Barbara the other day, that she is a best friend, like all of you, you all are our partners here at FGGAM, prayer partners for God’s Glory Alone. We love you all so much.
Right now we need to pray for Michael who is having some health issues.
Got a call from Lavella in Laporte, Indiana, discouraged that people are not coming to Church. We prayed, so many are discouraged they need to see the Kingdom visible, so we go for visits. Back home the Pastor would make visits on folks that had not been to Church, not to discourage, but to encourage and check in on them.
We have been praying for months for Cathy and her hands. Talked to Ernie yesterday and the hands are healing, Cathy is getting back the full use of her hands. PRAISE GOD! 
You see my friends, doing the CUP is a calling from God and He tell’s me what to do each day and what to write and He wants you to have the encouragement today that He hears all of your prayers! God answers prayer…….God hears you……….talk to Him right now and then listen. Psalm 46:10 one of my favorite verses: Let be and be still, and know that I am God.There are nearly 3500 promises in the Word of God…….seek out those promises today and pick up the Good Book.
God calls us to have child like faith……
Photo: LIKE if yes!!
Thanks to Grace Cordova for this picture. Grace is a financial partner of FGGAM, which we are so ever grateful to her and Peter and Becca. Please pray about sowing seeds into FGGAM so we can continue to go full blast with Radio and Tv, etc. We have our bills to pay, we know you do to. Albuquerque Businessman Richard Griffin another supporter of FGGAM calls FGGAM “A Difference  maker in our society” For God’s Glory Alone! 
Billy also said……God says that we can learn a great deal about Him just by observing nature (and Dogs) Because he has spoken through His universe, all men are without excuse for not believing in Him. This is why the Psalmist said: “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God” Psalm 14:1


One of the EXTREME BLESSINGS I have had within the last year or so is getting to know the heart for Jesus that Darlene Quiring has. The Godly wisdom that comes from this Angel of God! Today another AWESOME Post!



‘If I go, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there ye may be also’.

There are many prophecies and predictions of the Lord’s second return within the Bible. Both the Old and the New Testament are packed full of promises that Jesus will return again. In the Old Testament are 1,845 references to the second coming, there are 17 Old Testament books that give the Lord’s return pre-eminence of theme. In the 260 chapters in the New Testament there are 318 references to His second return – 1 out of 30 verses speaks of Jesus coming again, 23 out of the 27 New Testament books refer to it over and over again and again. The only four books that don’t, three of them are letters written to individuals about specific situations and subjects, and the fourth is the letter to the Galatians in which the second coming is implied, even if it is not mentioned.
Now, think about this: for every mention of the first coming of the Lord Jesus Christ within the word of God, there are eight mentions of His second coming! You know all the prophecies, you hear about it in Church perhaps at Christmas, where it talks about ‘Bethlehem-Ephrathah, though thou be little among the cities and the tribes of Judah, you will receive the Messiah’ – He was to be born there. You read about it in the book of Isaiah, about His crucifixion, you read about Him being called Emmanuel – God with us. So many prophecies within the Old Testament Scriptures about Jesus coming to the earth the first time, but listen to this: there are eight times more prophecies about Him coming back again!
Historians are more sure that the Lord Jesus Christ, His feet walked in Palestine on our earth, than they are about the existence of Julius Caesar – and you don’t hear anybody discussing or debating about whether Julius Caesar lived or not, do you? It’s an accepted fact – and it is an accepted, historical, documented fact – that Jesus Christ walked in flesh. No matter who you think He is, no matter what you think about Him, He walked down here. If you’re sure about that, you can be eight times more sure that He’s coming back again. Have you got it? Be under no disillusion about it: Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is coming back again!
Ladbrokes, the bookmakers in London, has lowered the odds of a visit from outer space from 100-1 to 33-1, because of all things going on in America. Well, boy are they going to have a rude awakening one of these days! It’ll not be an alien, it’ll not be a green man with six eyes! It will be Jesus Christ, the Son of God, will burst through the clouds and come to this earth – and you, my friend, if you’re not saved, you’re going to have to reckon with Him!
The parable that we read about depicts His coming, about people being surprised because they aren’t expecting it. In the chapter before, in chapter 24 and verse 37, Jesus said: ‘But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be’. A lot of people and preachers would often say – and they’re right in a way – that the days in which Noah lived were extremely sinful days, there were things going on that you couldn’t even mention from the pulpit, sins that made God so angry that He had to come with a flood and wipe man off the face of the earth. That is partly what it means, as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man – because things, the Bible says, will wax worse and worse. There will be so much sin – there is a cup of iniquity and it’s being filled by the moment with all the abominations that we see in our land – and there’s a day coming when it’s all going to bubble over and overflow, and God’s going to come in judgement.
But what I believe, primarily, Jesus meant when He said: ‘As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man’, is that in Noah’s day they weren’t expecting it. It says they were eating, they were drinking, they were giving and taking in marriage – what’s that? That’s normal life, isn’t it? They were going to school, taking the kids to school. They were going to their work, going to the office, going to the factory. They were going to their bed at night with a full belly and a happy heart, and everything was going well for them – day by day was normal, as usual – and all of a sudden: Bang! God came!
Och, yes, they knew about that idiot Noah. He was loopy-loo, a fool, he was building an Ark! ‘Is his head away with it? Look at him! It hasn’t been raining in ages, and this man tells us that God has told him that there’s a great judgement coming upon sin – and look what he’s doing! The whole family as well, away with it!’. They didn’t expect, people maybe you’re like these people in Noah’s day – you mock it. All these Christians talking about gloom and doom, and the end of the world, and: ‘The end of the world is nigh!’ – my friend, it will happen to you, the same as it happened to people in Noah’s day. You’ll not be expecting it, and you’ll be going about your business, and the last thing on your mind and heart will be the Lord’s return – and all of a sudden it will come upon you!
Peter says – and this was way back then, almost 2000 years ago when he wrote this small book in the Bible – he says that people were mocking even then: ‘Where is the promise of His coming? You Christians’, at this time, ‘for 50 years have been talking about Jesus coming back after He’s went, and where is He?’. That was 50 years, and we’re standing here in the year 2000, and it’s almost 2000 years, and people are saying the same thing: ‘What about it? Where is He? Didn’t He say He was coming quickly? Didn’t He say He was coming soon?’. I want you to listen to what’s on your heart – if you have any doubts concerning this great thing, I want you to look at this parable in Matthew chapter 25.
The picture here is a wedding. In Palestine a wedding began at the bride’s home, and then the bridegroom arrived at the bride’s home, and they observed the wedding ritual, and they went away from that home, man and wife. There was a procession that went from the bride’s home, and was led to the bridegroom’s house for the festivities and the completion of the whole marriage. But from that journey, from the ceremony and ritual in the bride’s home, to the completion and festivities in the bridegroom’s home, there were these little girls – if you like, bridesmaids – that brought the procession, and led it through the dark with their little lamps.
That’s what Jesus is talking about in these verses. First of all, the wise and the foolish virgins – verses 1 to 3. He says: ‘Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them’. Let’s cut through it all: what was Jesus trying to say? Half of them were foolish, half of them were wise – and the foolish were foolish, first of all, because they were unaware that they were unsaved!
I want you to get this,  ten of them intended going to the wedding, ten of them, but how many got there? Now, outwardly speaking, they were all dressed for the wedding, they had all the make-up on, they were groomed and trimmed and smelling wonderful, because every single one of them was looking forward, anticipating the wedding – as far as they were concerned, they were going to be there, they were going to meet him, they were going to escort him to his home, they had their lamps ready, they were expecting him to come before the day was out…but they didn’t know exactly when he would be there.
But what about inwardly? To look upon those ten virgins, they were all the same – you couldn’t tell any difference between them, but they were different: because Jesus says five of them were foolish, and five of them were wise, five of them were totally unprepared to meet the bridegroom – why? Because they had no oil! Do you see what Jesus is saying? You might look like a Christian, you might talk like a Christian, you might live like a Christian, you might think like a Christian – but, my friend, if you’re not washed in the blood of Christ, if you’ve never had an experience on the road of your life where you’ve trusted the death of the Saviour, you’re unprepared. You’re not ready! And I here this all the time, people near and dear to me say: ‘Well, sure look at him, he’s a Christian and I’m far better than him!’ – and you know, sometimes they’re right! But, you see, that makes no difference with God, for God’s not looking for how clean your clothes are, or how well you’ve brought up your children – although that’s good – God’s not looking about how soapy clean your tongue is, or your thoughts are, all that God is concerned with is if you have the mark of the blood of His Son upon you – that means that you’re trusting in the death of His only begotten Son!
Have you received the Saviour? Do you know the life of God, the abundant life? Do you know those waters welling up within you, of satisfaction, of refreshment, of true peace? The Lord spoke a parable about the sheep and the goats, and He said that on the day of judgement that God would separate the sheep and the goats – and, you know, in Palestine it’s different than here. You can tell the difference, even I can tell the difference, between a sheep and a goat – but you see over there? You can’t, they both look the same. You all look the same to me, you’re all well groomed, aren’t you? You all dress well, turned out well, you’re probably all ‘good living’ and have done well for yourselves – but, my friend, there is a great divide that divides us all, and the gulf cannot be fixed now or in eternity, except through the blood of Christ!
God Bless you Darlene!




April 25, 2013. You are starting something new. Much of it you have done before. Learn well from your past and, with humility, apply your wisdom seasoned by Me. In this way, you will avoid many errors and pitfalls. You are not a novice. Don’t act like one. Move in confidence, without arrogance or pride. You will be tempted to overstate what you can do in a short time. Humble yourself before man and God. See to it that Jesus is the centerpiece of all your works. Seek my ways and paths. Be teachable.
Psalm 25:4-5 (NASB) “Make me know Your ways, O LORD; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You I wait all the day.”  Ras Robinson
April 25, 2013. There is a challenge before you. Your future is being affected, but it’s not about you. It is about My plan for the world. Wow you say… the world? Yes the world. You are to be an integral part of what I am doing throughout the world. You tend to excessively plan when you are fearful, when faced with overwhelming challenges. I know it will take planning, but do so by My directives. Communicate, plan, then declare. Do it all when the time is right. Precious one, continue seeking Me.
Acts 16:9 (AMP)”[There] a vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man from Macedonia stood pleading with him and saying, Come over to Macedonia and help us!”  Bev Robinson
Scroll down and see what is happening in ministry to the children.
April 25, 2013. Don’t complicate the peace I have freely given you. When you accepted Me as Lord and Savior in your life, you obtained the fullness of all I am. All too often, you muddy the waters by getting ahead of what I am doing. Remove all foolish pride from your midst. Flee from confusing thoughts of selfish gain or agendas of your own. Remember, I am the leader and you are the follower. Choose each day to rest in the knowledge that only the best is in store for you.
Psalm 23:1 (NLT) “The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.” Kevin Robinson
For God’s Glory Alone for the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ! Dewey Sharon and family

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Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please forward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they have to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to radiodewey@aol.com.

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