‘TweetFest’ Seeks to Shame Media on Gosnell Blackout

By Napp Nazworth , Christian Post Reporter
Photo: Break the Media Blackout – TweetFest

Outraged at the lack of media coverage of the murder trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell, pro-life groups are organizing a “TweetFest” Friday from noon to midnight to bring attention to the trial and the media’s lack of coverage.

Mass murder, particularly the mass murder of infants, typically receives much attention from the press. Testimony from witnesses in the trial has also been full of sensational, gruesome details that newsrooms typically yearn for. “If it bleeds, it leads,” the motto goes. The national media, though, has barely mentioned the story.

There have been no mentions of the Gosnell trial since it began on NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, or PBS Newshour. CNN and National Public Radio have each mentioned it once. Exceptions to this media blackout are the more conservative Fox News and local media in Philadelphia, where the trial is taking place. The Philadelphia Enquirer has run hundreds of articles about the trial.

The TweetFest, sponsored by Operation Rescue, Priests for Life, Stand True and AbortionWiki, is asking participants to post tweets and status updates about the Gosnell trial to their Twitter and Facebook accounts, and contact their local media to ask them why they are not covering the case if they are not doing so.

“We are going to make ‘new media’ work on behalf of Kermit Gosnell’s innocent, helpless victims. The mainstream media is acting like nothing is happening, however – if we unite & spread the word far enough, we can FORCE the media to cover this horrific story,” the TweetFest Facebook event page states.

kermit-gosnell-numbersGosnell is accused of murdering seven newborn babies and one abortion patient. He, or an assistant, would sever the heads of the babies – babies that he failed to terminate while they were still in the mother’s womb, where the termination would still be considered legal.

“I did it once and I didn’t do it again because it gave me the creeps,” testified Lynda Williams, one of Gosnell’s assistants who has already pleaded guilty to third degree murder.

“Let me state the obvious. This should be front page news,” Kirsten Powers wrote Thursday in an editorial for USA Today.

Powers is a pro-life Democrat who once worked in the Clinton White House. She recalled the “non-stop media hysteria” when talk radio host Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a “slut.”

“Yet,” Powers wrote, “accusations of babies having their head severed – a major human rights story if there ever was one – doesn’t make the cut.”

Powers also argued that the trial points to the immorality of late-term abortions, because, if Gosnell had been successful in the abortion procedure and took the life of the infant before it was delivered from the mother’s womb, he would not have been considered a murderer under the law.

“Regardless of such quibbles, about whether Gosnell was killing the infants one second after they left the womb instead of partially inside or completely inside the womb – as in a routine late-term abortion – is merely a matter of geography. That one is murder and the other is a legal procedure is morally irreconcilable,” Powers wrote.


  1. As a side note:

    So, according to our great one, a 15 year old, (younger according to him but the FDA put it at 15), a 15 year old who was irresponsible enough to have sex without protection IS responsible enough to make an adult decision and get up the next morning, hop in the car (which she can’t legally drive alone yet) drive down to the pharmacy, read and understand the directions and warnings on the label and purchase a drug which she has NO idea what medical implications it may have on her health (or even more important – her relationship with GOD) without her parents knowledge is OK !

    I guess in this great country where it is ok to kill babies both before and after they are born is ok, then this is probably a good idea as well ! Although, I think GOD may have a slightly different idea on exactly when life starts !!! (Keep in mind the old phrase – WHAT GOES AROUND-COMES AROUND !!!)

    Thankfully, we have an INTELLIGENT (PARENT) GOVERNMENT and WANNBE dictator, sorry – meant president, who can make these decisions for us since we obviously can’t do it ourselves. I suppose we’d be a little better off if we started asking our 15 year olds before making any major decisions since according to obama they are better informed and equipped to make these kind of decisions than their parents !

    Since some states already use my tax dollars to mail order condoms to children without their parents knowledge, I suppose we should just start mailing these pills to kids as well. That way they don’t have to steal their parents car, illegally drive down to the pharmacy and purchase a pill, with money they probably stole from their parents, that could cause major medical issues they can’t possibly understand !!!

    Also think we may need a new lobby – LEGALIZE ASPIRIN IN OUR SCHOOL SYSTEMS WITHOUT HAVING TO ASK PERMISSION !!! (WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED HERE ???) (Where is MSNBC when we need them since according to them, our children belong to the state and can make these kind of decisions themselves !)


    P L E A S E P R A Y !!!

    rick stambaugh

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