Do not be afraid any longer, but go on speaking and do not be silent; for I


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Dear Family of our Lord =
Jesus Christ.

Thank you for coming by=
this day for a CUP!
AFTERNOON CUP OF ESPRESSO will not be delivered to yo=
u as of today unless you subscribe. We are getting emails asking if it is t=
o late to subscribe, it is not, spread the word and get your 
iends involved in getting the news you need to know. =
You can sign up by going to an=
d sign up at the bottom left hand corner of the front page. The afternoon C=
UP OF ESPRESSO has been a big hit! Thank you Pastor Paul Holt! God Bless yo=
u bro!  Please spread the word about FGGAM! Thank you and God Bless!&n=
Acts 18:9-10 (NASB) “And the Lord said to Paul in the night b=
y a vision, “Do not be afraid any longer, but go on speaking and do not be =
silent; for I am with you, and no man will attack you in order to harm you,=
for I have many people in this city.”

This morning I was busy brining you the news you need to know=
at It is just amazing what th=
e Lord is doing with this web site. We could be nearing 4,000 visitors this=
month. What the Lord has shown me, please do not quickly dismiss this figu=
re or web site, this web site is driven by God and his purpose for FGGAM. W=
e are to bring Glory to Him through Preaching, Teaching and information, ne=
ws that God wants you to know for your Daily walk with Him. You see, that i=
s the mission He has given myself and Pastor Paul Holt. This is how Paul pu=
t’s it on the web site:


For God’s Glor=
y Alone Ministries is dedicated to serving the body of Jesus Christ through=
preaching, teaching and commentary of current events.
As the scripture states above we wil=
l go on speaking and not be silent. Yesterday we had the extreme blessing o=
f being on KDAZ AM730 on our weekly radio program, which we have to pay for=
ofcouse, Former Lt. Gov. 
 Bradley wa=
s our guest and WOW! God moved, Walter is such a gift from God! We approach=
ed the news of New Mexico like we always do from a Biblical perspective. I =
was kidding Paul Holt, who could not be with me as he usually is on Mondays=
, that it took a fmr Lt. Gov. to fill in for him!!!!! LOL LOL! Listen to ou=
r radio program, Mondays at Noon on KDAZ AM730 on line anywhere in the worl=
d at ;

On KDAZ Radio yesterday………

Posted at www.fggam.o=
rg is the video of out TV program two Saturdays ago with State Sen=
ator Bill Sharer, you need to watch that for a Biblical perspective on what=
‘s going on in New Mexico. Our TV program is going to be moved to 7:30pm Sa=
turday nights starting in May. KAZQ CH 32 on line at We were blessed to have Pastor Steve Freeman with =
us this past week and his AWESOME testimony! 
We need your help in keeping FGGAM fueled! If you value what we do, =
would you help support our TV, Radio, web site, etc expenses with a gift
 today? We actually have to have funds to do=
what we do! LOL! LOL! 

Pastor Brenton Franks posted this today and it fit’s just what I am =
writing about:

Unless you are adding God’s flavor and love to your surrounding=
s, you become useless for the Kingdom of God. Stay on task! =E2=80=9CYou ar=
e the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? C=
an you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as=
worthless…In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see,=
so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” (Matthew 5:13, 16 NLT0

We also ha=
ve posted right now at “Money =
talk…..where are you sowing your seeds?”

Help us be Salt and Light to th=
e World!! 

Here is a beautiful testimony on the greatness of o=
ur Lord……..I have used Rick as an example to you before because his sto=
ry is just such a blessing!!! What also helps is that this man is on fire f=
or God, and gives God all the credit and Rick wants the world to know it!!!=
PRAISE GOD AMEN! Buffy and Reno ministered to Rick, he and his lovely wife=
got hooked up with  Pastor Marty Cooper’s church, and away we go, for=
God’s Glory Alone! Read this letter from Rick and it will give you inspira=
tion in your daily walk with Jesus Christ, SHARE TODAY WHAT JESUS HAS DONE =

I miss you my friend & brothe=

Haven’t heard from you for awhile but know you’re a busy warrior in=20
GOD’s fight for our love… My prayers are with you daily…

Wanted to give you a little update…

The son-in-law has now moved in with us and our family is=20
reunited… We hadn’t spoken for over 8 years except in anger and=20
disrespect… Just prior to Resurrection Day I had a sudden urge=20
(message?) that I needed to fix this situation… We invited the=20
daughter, the grandchildren and him to attend service with us at Christ=20
Full Deliverance Ministries in Rio Rancho on Resurrection Day… Not a=20
word of the past has been spoken; just prayers… It went SO WELL that I=20
invited him back into the house and things are simply wonderful… He=20
now attends service with us weekly along with our daughter &=20
children… (Just yesterday, he thanked me and stated ‘you’re more of=20
a Dad than I have ever had – thank you)… I simply responded – Its=20
GOD who deserves the thanks and we prayed (together) !!!…

If you recall, I recently asked for your help as I was conflicted,=20
wondering if praying directly for myself for a job was greedy… You=20
responded with the manner and the words for the prayer I should=20
consider… I did so immediately… Last Tuesday I received a call=20
requesting an interview… We met Wednesday… Friday morning I=20
received a job offer… Yesterday was my first day at work in over 4=20
months… PRAISE THE LORD !!!!!!

LOVE YOU BROTHER !!!!!!!!!!!!


AMEN! Rick! AMEN!=20

Pastor Dewey and His Friend Jim Hofflander from Minnesota=
love THE GRILL !!!

My Dear friend Jim Hofflander class=
Windom High School Class o=
f 1974 was driving through Albuquerque yesterday and stopped in to visit an=
d we

Had a great lunch at Phil Chavez place, “The Grill” PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!


Today, as always, lord willing, w=
e have several inspirational posts at Af=
ter yesterdays bombing in Boston, we thank you Lord for all those who serve=
d others, who came to the rescue of their fwellow man. Please absorb this p=
ost by Pastor Ron Edmondson on serving……….

The greatest among you will be your servant. Matthew 23:11

I have fond memorie=
s growing up of a sweet, older lady who worked in our church nursery, watch=
ing children while the parents went to Sunday School and worship service. S=
he had a quiet disposition. She was easy to love. I remember wanting to hug=
her every week. She diligently changed diapers, wiped noses, and cleaned u=
p toys after toddlers emptied the toy boxes. She never complained, she just=
did it. She was loved by all who knew her.

As far as I know, s=
he never had her name announced in a church service. She didn=E2=80=99t ser=
ve on committees, have a building, or even a room in the church named after=
her. From what I knew where she lived and she didn=E2=80=99t appear to hav=
e a lot of money. She was just a simple lady, with a lot of class, and a wh=
ole lot of love. I have a suspicion that if she had ever had a need, someon=
e in the church would have easily come forward to meet it, because she was =
a princess among people.

What was special about this lady?

It wasn=E2=80=99t h=
er position. It wasn=E2=80=99t her bank account. It wasn=E2=80=99t her conn=
ections. (She probably had more power by popularity, but she wasn=E2=80=99t=
the type to ever use it.) It wasn=E2=80=99t even her abilities. There were=
others who might have been more qualified, at least on paper, than she was=
at her work.

As I reflect on her=
, I think she was special because of what was in her heart. She treated eve=
ryone the same; with love and grace. She had a servant=E2=80=99s heart. It =
wasn=E2=80=99t what she did. It was who she was. She loved people and so sh=
e wanted to give them the best of herself.

When I think of thi=
s verse I think of her=E2=80=A6and many like her. She was great among manki=
nd, because of her servant=E2=80=99s heart.

What defines your greatness?

Are you great, beca=
use of the standards set by society, or are you great because of the love w=
ithin your heart?

In God=E2=80=99s Ki=
ngdom, greatness=
is never greater than when defined by a servant=E2=80=99s heart.

Does that describe our hearts toda=

Whom do you think o=
f when you read this verse?

I love this verse folks.=

Mark =
10:45………For even the Son of Man came not to
have service rendered=
to Him, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many. 
For God’s Glory Alone in t=
he Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

us today! 

If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link-
 then scroll down the page to securely give =
. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help i=
n furthering 
the ministry work =
the Lord has laid up
on us to carry o=
ut in 
His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think =
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
ve to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to

If you do not wish to be on this email list please =
kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at 
 – we will take you off this email list asa=

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