The Lord Jesus made a special promise of His return to encourage His


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Dear family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Thank you for stop=
ping by for a CUP!

Today is our son’s Lars 23rd birthday! PRAISE GOD for his life. As I r=
eflect on the life of Lars it makes me think of the impact the prayers many=
of you have said and are saying for Lars. He 
struggled in school a=
t times because he found it boring. He was building computers when he was 5=
years old. He loved movies and animation. He made up his mind to go to&nbs=
Columbia in Chicago. He wanted to f=
ly, I said I want to drive you there so I can spend a couple days 
just with you before we release you to the World. Many of you=
know how tough it was for me to let go. I cried like a baby for about 100 =
miles or longer after leaving him in Chicago. Your prayers, the prayers of =
Sharon and me and our family have been so answered in his life. He now is a=
Teachers Aid at Columbia and is excelling in 
cinematography. H=
e is on movie shoots most weekends. 

can also look back on my Spiritual father, Pastor Larry Moss and his son G=
reg who passed on several years ago, as Godly men who played a role in Lars=
growing up as they mentored to him in DLD School at Heights Cumb=
erland. Greg spent some good time with Lars as did Linda and Miss Kay at DL=
D. Prayers are lifted up for you all this day in thanks for your =
prayers for Lars and our family.

As many of you know we here at=
FGGAM stand in the gap for God on the Sanctity of life and marri=
age. This is nothing new for me as we have done this for years, even before=
God sent us here to FGGAM. 

When I first heard the news ye=
sterday coming out of Santa Fe, NM that the Mayor and City Attorney declari=
ng that same sex marriage is legal in New Mexico, I was led to this scriptu=

But seek first His Kingdom and=
His Righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Matt.=

As a whole now the United Stat=
es of America is not seeking His Kingdom and His Righteousness.

Most in America are making up =
the laws of the land without God and His Word.

That is the America we live in=
this day.

Many in the Church are jumping=
ship on God also.

Many no longer look at God as =
our God and Authority.

They make it up for self-satis=
faction and their will. 

We have many articles and vide=
o’s posted at on these issues =
today. Please visit us.

Many Republicans, who as a par=
ty have stood in the gap for God are jumping ship on God.

I was&nbsp=
asked yesterday by =
a Pastor, what are we going to do? We are losing the battle.

There is n=
o panic in Heaven!

Do not show an unbelieving world what they want to =
see, a bunch of angry 
Christians reacting to the news of the day.

My daughte=
r-in-law sent the words at the top of the post today: May your life preach =
more loudly than your words. AMEN!

Many put forth a bad testimony on how they deal with an =
unbelieving world. Do it in love and by the Word of G=
od. If you are  tuned in to God, He will show you what to do and say.

God is cer=
tainly not telling anyone to retreat or give up….read His Word…..Occupy=
until I come back, He says! 

The Promise of His Coming
The Lord Jesus made a special promise of Hi=
s return to encourage His disciples during 
the time of His absence. It is contained in=
the words =E2=80=9Cuntil I come back=E2=80=9D (NASB) or 
=E2=80=9Cwhile I am coming=E2=80=9D (Lk. 19=
:13; Jn. 14:3). In giving this promise, our Lord expressed 
His desire that we should be servants who w=
ait for their Master. But not only that, He 
wants us to be diligently occupied with His=
interests in this world, the scene of His 
rejection. Are we servants the Lord can rel=
y on?
This important theme of our service=E2=80=
=94in view of His coming=E2=80=94is linked with the various 
roles Christians have as (1) bondmen, (2) d=
isciples, (3) brothers and sisters, (4) witnesses, 
and (5) lovers of the Lord Jesus Christ. We=
will consider how the expectation of His 
coming affects us in these five areas. More=
over, when we look at these five relationships 
let us ask ourselves the following question=
s: Am I really a bondman of Christ, a true 
disciple, a good brother or sister, a faith=
ful witness, and do I really love the Lord?

My friends, we must stand in the gap for Go=
d, if not us, who?

Be encouraged this day, not discouraged!

I am more encouraged&nbs=
p;this day in the Lord than I was yesterday, as God has shown me at all tim=
es His love, His truths! AMEN! 

I experienced once again yesterda=
y, the favor of God, no charge at the dentist office and Doc asked me to le=
ave brochures about FGGAM in his lobby! 

The Lord just showed me as I was typing this that man=
y of you are receiving the favor of God but you do not know it! Y=
ou think it is just luck or how the cards fall in your favor. My friends, i=
t is the favor of God on you! Email me or call me and we can talk=
about the Favor of God.

If you feel you are “out of favor”, so to speak, with=
 God get a hold of me please.

I will close with this…………

God=E2=80=99s sovereignty is a precious reality.

Now chances are this truth didn=E2=80=99t seem too p=
recious when it first confronted you. The natural, fallen response to heari=
ng we aren=E2=80=99t the ones in control is to white-knuckle our will and r=
efuse to bow. Humans tend to like the idea that we are the captains of our =
own destinies. Motivational glib like that will pack out self-help seminars=
. But sooner or later, and hopefully sooner, we learn how bankrupt it all i=
s. We are not in charge, and that=E2=80=99s a good thing.
Any peace and hope we have in our lives right now ca=
n be traced back to the fact that God alone is God, that he is the sovereig=
n power behind everything. And this has future-creating wonder. God=E2=80=
=99s sovereignty, John Piper explains, is not mainly a theological problem =
with the past, but an invincible hope for tomorrow.
God=E2=80=99s sovereignty means the good he intends =
for his children will not be deterred. This means we can face anything. All=
his promises to us will be fulfilled. Pastor John lists nine such promises=
By the blood of his Son, God has promised infallibly=
I will meet =
all your needs according to my riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:=
My power wil=
l be made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).
I will stren=
gthen you and help you and hold you up with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10)=
I will never=
leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).
I will not l=
et any testing befall you for which I do not give you grace to bear (1 Corint=
hians 10:13).
I will take =
the sting away from your death with the blood of my son (1 Corinthians 15:55=
I will raise=
you from the dead imperishable (1 Corinthians 15:52).
I will trans=
form your lowly body to be like my glorious body, by the power that enables=
me even to subject all things to myself (Philippians 3:21).
I will do th=
is without fail because I am absolutely sovereign over everything and there=
fore, I can do all things, and no purpose of mine can be thwarted (Job 42:2).

For God’s Gl=
ory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family

us today! 

If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link-
 then scroll down the page to securely give =
. Be assured my friends, your=
gift will be of the greatest h=
 in furthering the ministry&=
work the Lord has laid upon us to ca=
out in His Holy Name. =

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think =
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
ve to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to

If you do not wish to be on this email list please =
kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at 
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