Drink this CUP, it may be the most important one ever!


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Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

We all get to serve the God that raises the son each day!=
!! Good morning from Albuquerque!!!

=E2=99=A5 Tim=
e to Think: As you travel life’s weary road, let Jesus lift your heavy load=
. =E2=80=93Anonymous

=E2=99=A5 Time to Act: Believe in yourself and the talents God gave you.

=E2=99=A5 Time to Pray: Lord, grant me the grace to endure the struggle in =
any area of life where you have placed me.

March 2, 2013. =
People expect good things when they are drawn to you. The Lord has given yo=
u a gathering gift for those He wants to love more. They expect something p=
ositive and up-lifting when they see you coming. You are constantly being o=
bserved by people who are curious about the Christian life. They may not sa=
y it in so many words, but they sense something special about you. Over the=
years, you have learned that these observers are being drawn by the anoint=
ing I have placed upon you. You did well to receive the Holy Spirit and to =
be baptized in Him. Seize every opportunity to tell them of the Christ in y=
ou. Lead them carefully to salvation so they become disciples of Jesus.

Psalm 1:1-3 (NLT) “Oh, the joys o=
f those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with si=
nners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the LORD, me=
ditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverba=
nk, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper =
in all they do.” Ras Robinson

March 4, 2013. I, the Lord, am protecting you on ever=
y side. Even while you sleep, I protect and sing over you. My cup is full o=
f thanksgiving for the joy you bring Me. You have found My favor and have d=
runk of it deeply. It gives me great pleasure to say yes to your requests. =
Do not hold back from asking the greatest things you need. Sometimes you do=
not ask because you are not feeling good about yourself. May I remind you?=
Only Jesus was perfect. Confess your sins, seek forgiveness and then recei=
ve it when I grant that forgiveness. I see you as holy and clean. Therefore=
, come before My throne of grace in boldness and confidence.
Psalm 3:3-4 (NASB) “But You, O LORD, are a shield about me, My glory, a=
nd the One who lifts my head. I was crying to the LORD with my voice, And H=
e answered me from His holy mountain.”  Ras Robinson
Subscribe to “What the Lord Is Saying=
March 4, 2013. I see where you are. I haven’t forgotten you, even th=
ough it feels like I have. I know all about what is going on. I see your he=
art getting discouraged. You aren’t like that often, but you are now on the=
verge of being despondent. Keep cool headed. You know better than to have =
self-pity. That indeed heads you down into a pit. Don’t lose your hope. A b=
reakthrough is on its way. From my perspective I can see your horizon bette=
r than you. Continue binding the bad and loosing the good. Remember this is=
a key to living an overcoming life in My kingdom…the kingdom within the =
kingdoms of earth.
Matthew 16:19 (NASB) “I will giv=
e you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth sha=
ll have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have be=
en loosed in heaven.
”  Bev Robinson


m Daily Bread………

READ: Romans 3:10-18

By gr=
ace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is th=
e gift of God. =E2=80=94Ephesians 2:8
=E2=80=9CJerry was a good man,=E2=80=9D the pastor said at Jerald Stevens=
=E2=80=99 memorial service. =E2=80=9CHe loved his family. He was faithful t=
o his wife. He served his country in the armed services. He was an excellen=
t dad and grandfather. He was a great friend.=E2=80=9D
But then the pastor went on to tell the friends and family gathered that J=
erry=E2=80=99s good life and good deeds were not enough to assure him a pla=
ce in heaven. And that Jerry himself would have been the first to tell them=
Jerry believed these words from the Bible: =E2=80=9CAll have sinned and fa=
ll short of the glory of God=E2=80=9D (Rom. 3:23) and =E2=80=9Cthe wages of=
sin is death=E2=80=9D (6:23). Jerry=E2=80=99s final and eternal destinatio=
n in life=E2=80=99s journey was not determined by whether he lived a really=
good life but entirely by Jesus dying in his place to pay sin=E2=80=99s pe=
nalty. He believed that each of us must personally accept the free gift of =
God, which is =E2=80=9Ceternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord=E2=80=9D (6:23=
Jerry was a good man, but he could never be =E2=80=9Cgo=
od enough.=E2=80=9D And neither can we. It is only by grace that we can be =
saved through faith. And that has absolutely nothing to do with our human e=
fforts. =E2=80=9CIt is the gift of God=E2=80=9D (Eph. 2:8).
=E2=80=9CThanks be to God for His indescribable gift!=E2=80=9D (2 Cor. 9:1=
5). =E2=80=94Cindy Hess Kasper
Christ=E2=80=99s work for my salvation is complete!

No work of mine can add to what He=E2=80=99s done;

I bow to worship at the Master=E2=80=99s feet,

And honor God the Father=E2=80=99s only Son. =E2=80=94Hess

We are not =
saved by good works, but by God=E2=80=99s work.

Spurgeon – The Prince of Preachers

=E2=80=8E”As for me, I have braved the sneer of men because I feared=
the frown of my Lord.”

Amen and Amen!=

What AWESOME Encouragement this day from Ras and Bev Robinson, Daily Bre=
ad and that quote from Charles Spurgeon! Most of all, how about that sunris=
e from our Lord!!!!! 

This may be t=
he most 
 CUP I have ever written in the 15 years I have done the CUP! Please&n=
read the following and pray over it and share it! 

I want to go back and cover a bit of what I have based my Preaching and Teaching=
on, a close personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ where you can=
hear him! I pray that you are filled with the Holy Spirit so much that you=
can feel the Spirit in and 
around you! I pray that you get up early in =
the morning and pray to God, read His Word, putting on the 
Armour of God! I pray you do not do =
anything or say anything without God telling you to! I pray that you are be=
aring fruit for God, that you are a fruit tree! That when others look aroun=
d you, 
they can call you a fruit tree for the Kingdom! 

When I look around and see the challenges of the=
World and right here in the United States, it is because too many have gon=
e away from God to do what they want. This is not a Republican or Democrat =
or Tea party problem it is a human problem. The Lord has shown me most&nbsp=
 do not have a close relationship with Jesus C=
hrist, if they did we would not have these problems. If your from New Mexic=
o and you have been 
 how disgraceful the Senate has tr=
eated Sec. of Education Hanna Skandera, it just ungodly. This women has tri=
ed to 
change Education i=
n New Mexico, one of the worst if not worst education systems in the United=
States! With the way the Senate is treating her and the Teachers union, yo=
u would think that she put New Mexico in last place! She did not, the state=
did! The drop out rate at a lot of New Mexico schools is 50%!!!! Why is th=
e Senate and the Teachers Union fighting for a failed system???? 

As this goes=
on you have Abortions going on in Albuquerque, which is becoming the Abort=
ion capital of the United States! I am hearing nothing from the Senate on t=
he murder of babies! 

Read this fr=
om Pastor Paul Holt ………….  http:/=

Also this fr=
om Pastor Mark Tross……….     http://www.fggam.org/whats-wrong-with-new-mexico/

We are=
covering these stories daily at&nbsp=
;www.fggam.org to keep you 

One other story I will touch on and I do it more =
at our web site, is the drought. I have been Preaching and reporting on thi=
s for 3 years now. This weekend we learned that Maxwell, NM is ba=
sically out of water. They are hauling in water to water trees, e=
tc. Some are going without showers and having to but water in a jug. These =
folks have to go out of town to wash their clothes. Water just trickles fro=
m the faucet, the aquifer in Maxwell is going dry. The lack of water is now=
a HUGE problem in New Mexico.

We cannot keep aborting God’s children and expect=
to have our land and lives blessed. We need to repent of our sins and pray=
to the Lord.

Our State and Country does not have a Politi=
cal problem that can be solved in Washington or Santa Fe, it is a God =
problem! We need to have a Revival and repent, repent, and pray and pray!&n=

Human history shows that the natural mind&nb=
sp;becomes progressively self-destructive if left to it’s own des=
ires. People who are directed by their natural minds walk in dark=
ness and have incorrect thinking. 

The Word of God call’s the mind of the natural ma=
n “blinded” 2 Cor 4:4 “blinded”  Romans 1:28 “Depraved” 1 Tim 6:5=
“Corrupt” and Col. 2:18 “Unspiritual” 

The natural mind thinks from a humanistic, sin-ba=
sed viewpoint. The viewpoint of the flesh direts it’s thoughts. The sinful =
mind is under control of Satan and can never please God because it con=
centrates on things of the world and not things of God. The natural mind wa=
lks a path of destruction.  

Let us now go into Praise on the following report=

WASHINGTON — A baby born with the virus that causes=
AIDS appears to have been cured, scientists announced Sunday, describing t=
he case of a child from Mississippi who’s now 2 1/2 and has been off medica=
tion for about a year with no signs of infection.
There’s no guarantee the child will remain healthy, =
although sophisticated testing uncovered just traces of the virus’ genetic =
material still lingering. If so, it would mark only the world’s second repo=
rted cure.
Specialists say Sunday’s announcement, at a major AI=
DS meeting in Atlanta, offers promising clues for efforts to eliminate HIV =
infection in children, especially in AIDS-plagued African countries where t=
oo many babies are born with the virus.
“You could call this about as close to a cure, if no=
t a cure, that we’ve seen,” Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of=
Health, who is familiar with the findings, told The Associated Press.

A doctor gave this baby faster and stronger treatmen=
t than is usual, starting a three-drug infusion within 30 hours of birth. T=
hat was before tests confirmed the infant was infected and not just at risk=
from a mother whose HIV wasn’t diagnosed until she was in labor.
“I just felt like this baby was at higher-than-norma=
l risk, and deserved our best shot,” Dr. Hannah Gay, a pediatric HIV specia=
list at the University of Mississippi, said in an interview.
That fast action apparently knocked out HIV in the b=
aby’s blood before it could form hideouts in the body. Those so-called rese=
rvoirs of dormant cells usually rapidly reinfect anyone who stops medicatio=
n, said Dr. Deborah Persaud of Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. She led the=
investigation that deemed the child “functionally cured,” meaning in long-=
term remission even if all traces of the virus haven’t been completely erad=
Next, Persaud’s team is planning a study to try to p=
rove that, with more aggressive treatment of other high-risk babies. “Maybe=
we’ll be able to block this reservoir seeding,” Persaud said.
No one should stop anti-AIDS drugs as a result of th=
is case, Fauci cautioned.
But “it opens up a lot of doors” to research if othe=
r children can be helped, he said. “It makes perfect sense what happened.”

Better than treatment is to prevent babies from bein=
g born with HIV in the first place.
About 300,000 children were born with HIV in 2011, m=
ostly in poor countries where only about 60 percent of infected pregnant wo=
men get treatment that can keep them from passing the virus to their babies=
. In the U.S., such births are very rare because HIV testing and treatment =
long have been part of prenatal care.
“We can’t promise to cure babies who are infected. W=
e can promise to prevent the vast majority of transmissions if the moms are=
tested during every pregnancy,” Gay stressed.
The only other person considered cured of the AIDS v=
irus underwent a very different and risky kind of treatment =E2=80=93 a bon=
e marrow transplant from a special donor, one of the rare people who is nat=
urally resistant to HIV. Timothy Ray Brown of San Francisco has not needed =
HIV medications in the five years since that transplant.
The Mississippi case shows “there may be different c=
ures for different populations of HIV-infected people,” said Dr. Rowena Joh=
nston of amFAR, the Foundation for AIDS Research. That group funded Persaud=
‘s team to explore possible cases of pediatric cures.
It also suggests that scientists should look back at=
other children who’ve been treated since shortly after birth, including so=
me reports of possible cures in the late 1990s that were dismissed at the t=
ime, said Dr. Steven Deeks of the University of California, San Francisco, =
who also has seen the findings.
“This will likely inspire the field, make people mor=
e optimistic that this is possible,” he said.
In the Mississippi case, the mother had had no prena=
tal care when she came to a rural emergency room in advanced labor. A rapid=
test detected HIV. In such cases, doctors typically give the newborn low-d=
ose medication in hopes of preventing HIV from taking root. But the small h=
ospital didn’t have the proper liquid kind, and sent the infant to Gay’s me=
dical center. She gave the baby higher treatment-level doses.
The child responded well through age 18 months, when=
the family temporarily quit returning and stopped treatment, researchers s=
aid. When they returned several months later, remarkably, Gay’s standard te=
sts detected no virus in the child’s blood.
Ten months after treatment stopped, a battery of sup=
er-sensitive tests at half a dozen laboratories found no sign of the virus’=
return. There were only some remnants of genetic material that don’t appea=
r able to replicate, Persaud said.
In Mississippi, Gay gives the child a check-up every=
few months: “I just check for the virus and keep praying that it stays gon=
The mother’s HIV is being controlled with medication=
and she is “quite excited for her child,” Gay added.

Please continue to pray for Ed and Jan Mo=
ore. Ed came through surgery and they both are staying in a nursi=
ng home for now.
Please continue to pray for Ron Bernard. =
It is a difficult time for him now. He has inoperable cancer. Please&n=
bsp;pray for Ron and the family.

Don’t forget that Pastor Paul and I are on AM730 KDA=
Z today at Noon with, “This is the World we live in” 
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of=
our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family

us today! 


If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link- http://www.fggam.org/donate.html=
 then scroll down the page to securely give =
. Be assured=
 my friends,
 your gift will be =
of the greatest help in furthering&n=
the ministry work the Lord has l=
aid up
on us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think =
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
ve to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to radiodewey@aol.co=

If you do not wish to be on this email list please =
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