Dewey is back to share the Love of our Lord…………..


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Dear Family of our =
Lord Jesus Christ,

I sure missed all o=
f you!

I was at a=
Conference in Amarillo, Texas where Graham Cooke spoke.=
Google his name and look over his material, you will be blessed. I went wi=
th Pastor Tom Bazone of Rock Rio and others. It was such a blessing. It was=
held at Trinity Fellowship Church. I was introduced to Graham Cooke a few =
years ago by friend Kathy Robbins and I have enjoyed so much his =
teachings. They have 
aided me in my growth for Jesu=
s! I will share on the 

conference as the Lord moves. There is so much to share this day maybe I wil=
l put out 2 CUPS! LOL LOL LOL

I have to do 3 TV t=
apings this morning, please pray over these tapings!
This is from Graham Coo=
ke that I have found so true in my life!
I need the encouragement of the Holy Spirit ever=
yday I can’t remember the last time I asked Him to encourage me and He didn=
‘t. He always meets me at the point of my greatest need. That’s just who th=
e Holy Spirit is and what He loves to do. May the Holy Spirit come over you=
and yours in a powerful way this day

A Boy and a dog! What a picture! I=
t is a picture of God’s love for us! I am like a little boy with =
Buffy and Reno!

They are my lovers in our Lord, they show me love and loya=
lty. The show me everlasting love! The Lord gave us our animals

to bless us! AMEN! Please continue to pray for Reno has he=
recovers from surgery. AMEN!

Let me share with you some items that I was go=
ing to post on Monday, but did not have the time to do so before I left for=

Evangelism is a holy compulsion. God=
spoke to the prophets and they were full of it. Paul said, =E2=80=9CWoe is=
me if I do not preach the gospel=E2=80=9D (1 Cor 9:16 ). He would burst if=
he didn=E2=80=99t! The messenger was marked by the message. The gospel aff=
ects us, stops us in our tracks, spins us round, and then gets us going =E2=
=80=93 in the right direction. Let=E2=80=99s move with the Mover. Let=E2=80=
=99s move with Jesus. REINHARD BONNKE


This is just a plain outrage……….this is from Sunday =
when I wrote this………..

I cannot help myself……As I read =
the morning newspaper and all the excitement about the Football game and al=
l the hype about the commercials, Lord Help us!…I read on the front page =
of the Albuquerque Journal this morning about the Doctor who has performed =
10,000 abortions over the last 12 years. This Doctor is performing late ter=
m abortions here in Albuquerque.According to the NM Dept. of He
alth there have been nearly 12,000 abortions in New Mexico o=
ver the last 3 years. The final death tally for 2012 is not in. How many of=
these babies were predestined by God to cure cancer, diseases, be teachers=
, police officers, senators, Presidents, Mommy’s and daddy’s, farmers, stor=
e owners, etc……..?????
We must show the darkness, the light of Jesus Christ, the love of Jesus Chr=
ist……..we must show these Doctors that are doing these abortions the lo=
ve of Jesus Christ, being the light, we must pray for these Doctor’s that t=
hey will come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We must pray f=
or these Mommy’s that are aborting their children. It seems to me that too =
many are taking a blind eye to abortion. This makes me Spiritually and phys=
ically ill. Abortion is like a disease, it is eating away at the heart of A=

More on this =
as the Lord leads……….

Sports overta=
kes the Church……….

In December, Gallup looked at the =
seven people Americans trust more than their pastor. Today, the Barn=
a Group reported that Americans believe professional athletes influence soc=
iety more than pastors “by more than a three-to-one margin.”

Released just before the Superbowl,&nbs=
p;Barna’s survey suggests&=
nbsp;that 64 percent of Americans think pro athletes have more influence in=
society than professional faith leaders, whereas 19 percent think faith le=
aders have more influence. (The rest say both have equal influence (8%) or =
are not sure (10%).)
“Sports figures are deemed most influen=
tial by those making $60,000-plus, college graduates, whites and parents,” =
notes Barna. “Those most likely to select faith leaders were weekly church =
attenders and those with incomes under $40,000.”
Barna also found that 61 percent of Ame=
ricans support athletes’ public professions of faith (including most evange=
licals (88%), blacks (79%), Boomers (66%), parents of children under 18 (66=
%), and women (65%)), with the most cited reason being they believe athlete=
s have freedom of speech (40%). Perhaps most interesting, only 32 percent o=
f Americans think athlete professions of faith make people “more spirituall=
y minded.”
Barna also looked at how aware American=
s are of prominent athletes that openly discuss their faith. Not surprising=
ly, Tim Tebow tops the list:

* Tim Tebow, pro football pla=
yer 83% of Americans are aware of Tebow; 73% feel favorably about his publi=
c discussion of faith

* Kurt Warner, retired =
pro football player 
59% overall awareness; 8=
0% are favorable toward his public discussions of faith
* Jeremy Lin, pro baske=
tball player
40% awareness; 76% favorability
* Bubba Watson, profess=
ional golfer
40% awareness; 77% favorability
* Albert Pujols, profes=
sional baseball player
36% awareness; 81% favorabi=
* Robert Griffin III, p=
rofessional football player
34% awareness; 78% fav=
* Clayton Kershaw, prof=
essional baseball player
25% awareness, 78% favora=
This is such an AWESOME=
Testimony from Susan Krawowski……
Some people seek a “result” fro=
m God. Can you imagine if someone did that to you? Sought a result from you=
& not a relationship? Set aside your hope & prayers & just sur=
render to Him. Give it all to Him. Make it your aim to love Him, not to get=
anything from Him. I was gang raped, was very sick & at one point they=
thought I wouldn’t make it. Massively in debt & very alone. When I sto=
pped seeking “
results ” from Go=
d & sought ONLY to adore Him, to honor Him, to love Him, my heart start=
ed to heal, eventually my health was restored & everything was changed.=
I didn’t seek a miracle! I didn’t seek a result like “God do this for me” =
I sought His heart! I worshipped Him. I loved Him in all of His splendor &a=
mp; glory. No man or woman did that for me. No…. The King of Glory touche=
d me & healed me. When I sought Him & His heart and died to all the=
things I wanted, my entire life changed.

Everything is abou=
t God………..Everything!

The key message the Lord gave me through this past weeks conference was….=
Love my People as I love you! Speak life into people! 

Here at FGGAM we say, reaching people one at=
a time for our Lord…….The other day in a Taco Bell in Amarillo, yes we=
ate fancy meals!!!!! LOL LOL, I walked in and one of the young workers, St=
ephen, was at a table taking his break eating and drinking one of those awf=
ul energy drinks! The Lord said go to him and tell him to stop dr=
inking those drinks! Yes the Lord told me so. I went up to him and told him=
who I was and that he should not drink those drinks as many youn=
g people his age were being harmed by them and some even dying of=
heart problems from those type of energy drinks. He said, “Thank you sir, =
I did not know that…..and he looked at the can……..I will never drink =
another one………” You see when we are full of the Holy Spirit, the Lord=
gives us the POWER to approach others and speak into their lives=
in a Godly way. It is of the Lord not me, I am just a vessel. A true vesse=
l of the Lord speaks life into people. You can correct them with love. As I=
was leaving the Taco Bell, Stephen made eye contact with me and said, Than=
k you again Sir! People need encouragement..God will make you an encourager=
to others if you will let Him. He will make you an encourager th=
at people will listen to. I have to tell you that when I pray with people t=
hat do not profess Jesus Christ, they do not back away! They receive&n=
bsp;it! It is then up to them! They may seem like a simple little story fro=
m my trip……but to me it is one of, if not the most important =
parts of the trip……reaching one person at a time for Jesus Christ, bein=
g His messenger. This is why God moved me out into FGGAM, to reach one=
person at a time. Just think what would happen to the World if each of us =
reached one person everyday for Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It would turn this =
world upside down for Jesus! AMEN! 


Care DEEPLY for people! 

Never give up on people!

Never speak down to people!=

Show them the light of Jesus Chris=
t! AMEN! 

One thing that was hammered to me =
by Graham Cooke was, If you are sinning JUST STOP! STOP =09IT! His idea of coun=
seling is,Just stop your sinning in the name of Jesus! Speak the love of Je=
sus into the life of others! 

That is my testimony to you this d=
ay in reaching people for Jesus. We are not a fancy dancy ministry here at =
FGGAM, we just walk the street for Jesus.

Yesterday I received a message fro=
m Ken that he and his wife were doubling their love offering each=
month to FGGAM. That came the day that Sharon and I spent the last of our =
funds on the house payment. 

Ken said, “The CUP encourages me so much, yo=
u inspire me.” 

It is of the Lord, not me. This is the work =
that my Lord has assigned me. 

Yesterday Albuquerque Businessman Richard Gr=
iffin said, “You are making a huge difference in people’s lives.”=

Why do I tell you this?=

Because I want you to see first hand what th=
e Lord is doing through FGGAM. I want you to see the Godly value =
of FGGAM, and to do this work we need your financial support. In =
faith, we are staring a radio program on Monday at Noon on KDAZ A=
M730. We have faith that you all will support our efforts for God. I have t=
o keep saying, this is not of me, it is of God. God is calling his people t=
ogether to support the things of the Kingdom for eternal purposes! I know m=
any of you already give much to many, but is is good to even give more!&nbs=

I am asking you to be a Barnabas to Sha=
ron and I! We all need encouragers! Let us lift each other up, each da=
y for Jesus! For His purposes in our lives! AMEN!

You know, without Barnabas, we may never hav=
e had Paul’s ministry! Will you support Sharon and I and be a Barnabas in o=
ur lives?


Just who is Barn=


p;            B=
arnabas was an open and willing vessel to be used by the Lord.  A=
cts 4:36-37 says this about Barnabas in his earlier years, “Joseph, a Le=
vite from Cyprus, whom the apostles called Barnabas (which means Son of Enc=
ouragement), sold a field he owned and brought the money and put it at the =
apostles’ feet.
”  First, Barnabas was sent to Antioch when th=
e apostles heard that the Lord was with the disciples there (they were havi=
ng much success while preaching to the Greeks).  “When He [Bar=
nabas] arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God, he was glad and en=
couraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. &n=
bsp;He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great numbe=
r of people were brought to the Lord
” (Acts 11:23-24).  He wa=
s a bold person and was used of the Lord in getting hold of the newly conve=
rted Saul and in introducing him to the apostles.  Then, he broug=
ht Saul back to Antioch with him. Before Barnabas had done this, many =
believers were staying away from Saul because they were afraid of him.&nbsp=
; And together Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught consid=
erable numbers for about a year.  Next, because of a famine in Ju=
dea, Barnabas and Paul delivered a contribution of money to the elders in J=
erusalem sent from the believers in Antioch.  When they had compl=
eted this task, they returned to Antioch where they were teachers. &nb=
sp;These were the other teachers and prophets with them in Antioch: Simeon,=
Lucius, and Manaen.  “While they [all the teachers and prophe=
ts] were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart =
for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’ &n=
bsp;So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them an=
d sent them off
” (Acts 13:2-3).  Then, Barnabas and Saul went=
about proclaiming the word of God.
Galatians 6:7-9 
7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows=
, that he will also reap. 8 For he who sows to his flesh will of =
the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit=
reap everlasting life. 9 And let us not grow weary while doing g=
ood, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. 

No matter the spiritual season we fi=
nd ourselves in, there are seven Kingdom seeds we can sow that will produce=
an abundant harvest of His goodness in our lives. Doing so will allow the =
Lord to pour out His anointing and glory upon us, causing our relationship =
with Him to flourish. 

1.) FAITH 
Rather than sowing fear and unbeli=
ef, let us sow a pure faith =E2=80=93 for faith alone accesses the benefits=
of our covenant in the Kingdom. 

Hebrews 11:6 
But witho=
ut faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must belie=
ve that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.&=

Faith is=
the evidence that we believe we already possess the promise, even if it is=
yet unseen (Hebrews 11:1). Jesus continually taught that the measure we re=
ceive is directly related to the measure of our faith. Our level of underst=
anding determines our level of faith. The more we internally unite our hear=
ts with the Truth of God’s Word, the more we believe… and receive. (Roman=
s 10:17). 

For God’s Glory Alone in the Lo=
ve of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family! 

Visit us today! 

If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link-
 then scroll down the page to securely give =
. Be assured my frie=
 your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think =
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
ve to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to

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