Albuquerque Voters for Late Term Abortion Ban

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October 8, 2013 By Chery Sullenger

Albuquerque, NM – All pro-life supporters are urged to take urgent action to block an effort to cancel a scheduled November 19 vote on the Albuquerque Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance, which would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Albuquerque city councilor Trudy Jones seeks to introduceResolution R-15-250, which would seek to hire an independent counsel to obtain an injunction against the vote and seek a declaratory ruling from a judge as to the Constitutionality of the proposed ordinance, which is nearly identical to laws already in force in 11 states. Similar legislation has also been introduced at the Federal level, successfully clearing a House on June 18, 2013.

“This is nothing more than a blatant attack on the legal process and is meant to thwart the will of the people,” said Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Policy Advisor for Operation Rescue, which supports the ordinance. “Nearly 27,000 Albuquerque residents, whose signatures were gathered in just 20 days, have followed the legal process for a Direct Legislation Initiative as outlined in the City Charter. We are shocked that they would now try to take away the right of the people to a fair election that is now required by law.”

Council President Dan Lewis released a statement yesterday indicating that he has declined to place the resolution on the agenda. Nevertheless, Jones is still expected to introduce the resolution.

Lewis stated in part:

R-13-250 short circuits the democratic process. Whether you agree with them or not, the organizers of this initiative have played by the rules and have followed all of the City’s laws and requirements, and under those laws they are entitled to an election. Actions by the Council that would deny this election, that would disenfranchise voters, and that would limit voter initiative rights under the City Charter deserve more time and consideration by the Council, not less.

Opponents of the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance have speculated at great length about the constitutionality of the Ordinance. Unfortunately, that is just what those thoughts are – speculation…

In the City of Albuquerque, we follow a democratic process. Our citizens have done the work to place the ordinance on the ballot. The City Council has already acted and set the special election date for November 19th. Now it is time to leave the question in the hands of Albuquerque’s voters. Regardless of where nine city councilors stand on the issue, we must follow our own city laws and allow this question to go before the voters of the City of Albuquerque who have earned that right.

Sullenger indicated that if Jones seeks to avoid a costly lawsuit challenging the Constitutionality of the ordinance, blocking a vote legally obtained through the direct legislative initiative process will only draw a lawsuit from pro-life groups.

“Our attorneys are drafting a letter to the Council at this time seeking to warn them of political and potential legal consequences to subverting the legal process by halting a scheduled vote on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance,” noted Sullenger. “Defending against our suit could prove more costly to the city.”

View the letter we just sent to ALL of the City Councilors here!

Operation Rescue, Project Defending Life, and the newly formed PAC ABQ Voters For Late Term Abortion Banare urging everyone who can to get to the city council meeting Wednesday, October 9, to show opposition to this eleventh hour ploy to deny the citizens of Albuquerque a fair vote on an ordinance that polls show enjoys overwhelmingly support.

Please arrive no later than 5:00 p.m. and register to speak out in opposition to R-15-230. The meeting will be held at:

Vincent E. Griego Chambers
One Civic Plaza
Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Government Center (map)

Operation Rescue also urges those who are not residents of Albuquerque to contact each member of the city council to voice opposition to Resolution R-15-230. This ordinance affects families in every state since women from all over the U.S. travel to Albuquerque for late-term abortions that are not legal in their home states. If you can only contact one council member, please contact Trudy Jones.

Councilor Dan Lewis:
Telephone: (505) 768-3189

Councilor Ken Sanchez:
Telephone: (505) 768-3183

Councilor Roxanna Meyers:
Telephone: (505) 768-3159

Councilor Isaac Benton:
Telephone: (505) 768-3186

Councilor Brad Winter:
Telephone: (505) 768-3101

Councilor Rey Garduño:
Telephone: (505) 768-3136

Councilor Janice Arnold-Jones:
Telephone: (505) 768-3136

Councilor Trudy Jones:
Telephone: (505) 768-3106

Councilor Don Harris:
Telephone: (505) 768-3123

Because of Christ we stand,
Bud and Tara

“Seek the well being of the city to which I have sent you. Pray for it to the Lord. For in seeking its well being you shall find your own.“ Jeremiah 29:7


  1. The phone may have little effect but it would be worth they try. I’m opting for both; if we ALL give Ms. Jones an email, maybe she’ll notice when we crash her service !!! No evil intent there; we just need to make absolutely sure she gets our message !!! VOTE VOTE VOTE !!!

  2. Here’s the email she got from me:

    ——– Original Message ——–
    Subject: RESOLUTION R-15-230
    Date: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 09:51:44 -0600
    From: Rick
    To: Councilor Trudy Jones
    CC: Councilor Dan Lewis , Councilor Ken Sanchez , Councilor Roxanna Meyers , Councilor Isaac Benton , Councilor Brad Winter , Councilor Rey Garduno , Councilor Janice Arnold-Jones , Councilor Don Harris , Pastor Dewey Moede , Pastor Paul Holt

    Because of Christ I Stand…

    In standing, I pray you find GOD and relinquish your desire to try
    to circumvent established law in our Great City by submitting resolution
    R-15-230 in attempt to stop OUR VOTE concerning late term abortion.

    I pray over your acts in violation of God’s Word and your actions in
    this matter for the Children chosen by the ‘Pro-Choice’ movement to
    sacrifice their lives in the movements cause and for the extremely
    detrimental effects that will be suffered upon the Mother’s, Father’s &
    families of these children who will not be provided ‘A CHOICE’ !

    Do the words: ‘by the people’ mean anything to you ?.

    As someone who had a Mother who CHOOSE to give HER life in order
    that I may have mine, I pray for your reconsideration of these actions.

    Richard T. Stambaugh
    United States Navy Retired
    7305 Bangor Ave. NW
    Albuquerque, NM 87120
    505 507-6000

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