Unexpected Developments in the Israeli-Palestinian Arena


Israel and the PA (GRAPHIC)The diplomatic disputes between Israel and the Palestinian Authority took some strange twists this week as France warned the PA to think twice before re-submitting a resolution to the UN Security Council demanding an Israeli retreat from the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem, despite voting for a similar measure at the UNSC last week. “We are against the logic of letting this spiral (out of control),” Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told reporters. “While we think the Palestinians have the right to move the status quo, at the same time there has to be an effort to find a consensus solution. Once you set this cycle off, you get results that you don’t want one way or another.” Elsewhere, the EU issued a statement Tuesday condemning Israel’s freeze on transfers of tax revenues to the PA in response to the PA joining the International Criminal Court. Read More


France Warns Palestinians Over Escalating Crisis With U.N. Bid

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