Quote of The Day: You mention never being popular……


Dewey, Just read your daily cup. You mention never being popular. Very wise to accept
that call from God….I’m thinking that God would rather have children with
impact than popularity. The many things you listed all speak to impact. A very
Christ-like goal.I appreciate the simple yet profound thoughts you share. They speak to me often.
Have a great week.From Shona Neff in White Rock, New Mexico

Also this note:

We need men and women of God who speak and teach the truth of God’s word. Pastor Dewey Moede is one of those men. Be sure to read Dewey’s Daily Cup today.

From Shonda Savage in El Paso, Texas

God Bless you Shona and Shonda for the kind words……….

1 Cor. 1:31 Therefore, as it is written: “Let him who boasts boast in the Lord.” Amen!
Dewey God answers prayer If you missed yesterdays CUP, here it is:

DYNAMITE For Your Monday!

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