There’s No Room


TeraBy Tera Elness

 “There’s No Room”

 “But Mama”, his shaky little voice cried, “there’s no room.”

We had just entered the Kindergarten cafeteria. Nineteen little bodies with backpacks stuffed like sardines on their side of the morning breakfast table.  I could see the terror in his eyes.  I knew that look.
I know that look.
Those wet blue eyes translated those two small words in one split second:
No room = Not wanted.

Been there baby boy. Mama’s been there.
Those teary eyes used to be mine.
And sometimes……………they still are.

“Um…….there’s like totally no room at our table.” (the 80s had a language all their own, amen?)

“Oh shoot, I didn’t know you wanted to go, there’s just no room.”

I often wonder if Mary felt the same way when her and Joe arrived at the inn.

And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. 
Luke 2:7

But guess what?  This wasn’t a Holiday Inn.  This wasn’t simply a case of late arrival. The word used for “inn” is this case is translated as “guest room”……….not a paid establishment complete with a hot tub, wet bar, and room service.

Mary and Joe weren’t late.
They were REJECTED.

Certainly they had family in town, after all, they were returning for the town census.

There WAS room.
They didn’t MAKE ROOM.
Not for an unwed pregnant teen and her unshaven older beau.

At age 43, I still struggle with the “there’s no room” moments.
That’s not easy to admit. Perhaps even a bit embarrassing.
But I’ve learned over the years that what really connects us, what really binds us, what really allows us to relate and connect isn’t sharing our strengths, but our weaknesses.
So here it goes…. 

At age 43, I sometimes feel…….

*left out

Am I alone? Do you ever feel this way?

Perhaps from a friend? a coworker? a classmate? a church member? a spouse? a family member?

But God. 

How awesome is our Creator to allow the birth of his own Son to face the “no room at the inn” in order that we may belong? In order that He may understand?  In order that Jesus himself may cradle and comfort us in the “no room” moments truly knowing and experiencing the ultimate feelings of rejection, literally from birth on……

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
    because he has anointed me
    to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
    and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free”

……………… Truly I tell you,” he continued, “no prophet is accepted in his hometown.”
Luke 4:18,24 

There’s going to be times this side of heaven when “there’s no room” moments will sting. And pierce. And feel as though someone is driving a stake right through us.
He knows that feeling too.

So what’s a girl to do?

Cry out to the King.
Rest in arms of the Redeemer.
Seek Solace in the Spirit.
And with a softened, grateful, trusting heart; 
remind herself daily………
In my Father’s world, 
there is ALWAYS room. 

 But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.
1 John 4:4

Find out more about the wonderful writings of Tera Elness of Windom, Minnesota (YES! my hometown!)  here:  “There’s No Room”

Accepted as His,

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