Aligning Life with the Cross

Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,
We thank Paul Dokken for this love note of encouragement!
Keep up the good work.  Praying for Reno.

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who 
love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 
Romans 8:28
Holy Bible, New International Version
I just got off the phone with Randy Thom's sister Cindy. Cindy contacted me last night to tell me the bad news that Randy has been arrested for violating his probation. He has been sent to the Rochester, Minnesota jail.
Cindy Thanks you all for your prayers in the past for Randy! I will be contacting the jail to see if I can talk with him.
Please pray for Randy. Please cover his family and friends in prayer. He was to start a full-time job on 
Monday! We pray for deliverance for Randy. He has such a good heart! I know! I have seen it! Like
many others have! 
Sharing with you now one of the several requests we get EACH DAY at FGGAM for help:
> Comment: My name is Kayla. I am a 23 year old single Mother of a beautiful two year old Daughter named Serenity.
> I lost custody of my Daughter right before Christmas. I had reported a violent crime and shortly after had moved out of state. I decided to move back so my Daughter could be close to family. A hour later she was taken from my arms.
> I don’t care at this point why, I just want to get my little girl back as quickly as possible. Coming from a different state I didn’t have a job lined up. Now I have one job and two with interviews.
> My Daughter is my life, my heart. I am requesting for any services that can be rendered. Any information on other services maybe in my state or nationwide.
> I am required now to have a two bedroom apartment or house and steady job. I am just trying to make that happen as quickly as possible. My little girl has gone through enough, I just want her home. With me, where she belongs.
> Thank you for your time and consideration.
> God Bless,
> Kayla
Please cover Kayla in your prayers and Serenity, please.
Here is a note from pastor Steve Freeman:
I need your help in getting out the word on our Church!!
This Saturday from 9am to 5pm we are having a work, paint day at Crestview Baptist Church. We are located at 301 Chama N.E. Albuquerque New Mexico. We are undergoing a renovation of the Lord’s Church and need his people to help us out. This Saturday we will be pulling up and out old carpeting, moving pews and painting 5 rooms.
Please if you could pass along my information to those who could lend a helping hand.
In His Grace
Pastor Steve Freeman
God Bless you Steve and Sue and all of you at Crestview If you need to contact Steve just email me.
I ask for prayers for my angel Sharon as she is ill and we ask continued prayers for Reno in his recovery. I am holding my head above water at this point, I may take in some water through the nose, LOL LOL LOL! But we are with the Lord.
I also had a wonderful talk with an old classmate from Windom this morning Janel Bartosch, now  Eichstadt! I pray I spelled that correctly. Janel and I had a great walk down memory lane! She works at the Windom Hospital and was talking about how my Dad, Wally would be out early in his day starting up, warming up the school buses when cold weather would strike. Great memories of my Dad and how he was so dedicated to do his job! Dedication to people, serving people! That was my Dad and Mom! I was so very blessed my my parents! I pray that upon all children and parents!
Okay! Another classmate, I AM SO BLESSED WITH ALL THESE FRIENDS!!! first Paul Dokken, Cindy Thom, Randy Thom, Janel Sonja Sweigard! Now Haldeman. Sonja lives in Phoenix and has a wonderful Pastor she has introduced me to! I asked Pastor Tim Wright if I could share this with you all! It is short, but very impactful, and he gives you a way you can stay in touch with his postings!
Alignment Questions
Hey, Grace’rs,This coming weekend we launch our new series–The Quest: God’s Reckless Mission to Save the World.  We will be reading through The Story, an edited version of the Bible, chapter by chapter.  Each weekend I will preach on that chapter.  For this Saturday and Sunday you will want to read through chapter 1 as we begin to align our story with the story of the Bible.  If you spend 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week, you will be able to read through the chapter.  Each weekend, at the end of the service, I will set aside a few minutes to answer a question or two that you may have about your reading.  You can submit your questions to

I also want to offer you some more questions to consider as you look to follow Jesus in aligning your life with the cross.

God always comes to us with grace–a grace that forgives, accepts, and transforms.  Included in that grace is a life-changing call: the call to follow Jesus–grace in the flesh.

We often experience God’s grace in two ways:  1) as comfort; and/or 2) as confrontation.  The confrontation, though at times painful, is not less gracious, as the point of confronting grace is transformation.  Spiritual giants are spiritual giants because, empowered by grace, they honestly look at and wrestle with the confrontation of grace.

Here are some alignment questions about time that may comfort, confront, or both, that when answered in the light of the cross, will change everything:

  • Do I fit Jesus into my time, or do I fit my time into Jesus?
  • Do I make time to read the Bible or do I always end up with no time left for it at the end of the day?
  • Do I make time to pray or do I always end up with no time left for it at the end of the day?
  • Do I fit Jesus into my weekend or do I fit my weekend into Jesus?
  • Is worship a time priority?  Or do I attend worship when and if time permits?
  • What one thing can I let go of each day in order to make the time for my faith development? 
  • What difference might this make in my life?  My family?  My job?

More to come!

Tim Wright
Pastor, Community of Grace
God Bless you Pastor Tim!
It is a blessing to have contact with so many former classmates in Windom. The CUP really has exploded that, FGGAM.ORG and Facebook have helped!
You can get more news and information at ;
For God’s Glory Alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Paul, Jo and families
Let us keep praying for each other and our families, let us not cease!
Visit us today!

If you would like to support the much needed work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries, Dewey Moede, and Dewey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a financial gift.  You can securely give by clicking on this link- then scroll down the page to securely give through PayPal

. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,
Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please forward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they have to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to

If you do not wish to be on this email list please kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at – we will take you off this email list asap


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