The Daily Jot: The influence of a good coach

Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.


NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus–the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

The influence of a good coach

Last night, a taxi cab driver was telling me that Phoenix expects an additional 1.5 million people during this week because of the Super Bowl and a golf tournament. It is amazing how many people show up to sporting events. Think about it. Sports impacts hundreds of millions of people. Football alone, impacts millions. Some 1.1 million kids play high school football each year. That filters to about 66,000 who play in college, and then less than 300 make it to the NFL. According to Michigan State, a high school player has a 1 in 6,000 chance of making the NFL. From youth football through high school through college, football influences millions of our youth to become leaders, citizens, and parents.

There are valuable life lessons in teaching and coaching football, a sport that is the microcosm of life. You get knocked down. You get back up. You face physical and mental hardship in just preparing to play the game. Practices are long and hard. You develop a work ethic where you do the best you can on every given opportunity. If you take a play off, you get burned. And even if you give your best, you may not make it as a starter. Just like in life, there are no guarantees. Those who play the game come away with a life experience that teaches them how to cope with pressure, adversity, difficult people, folks of different color, creeds, walks of life, motives, agendas, strategies, tactics and a myriad of other life trials.

Good football coaches understand the value of football. Seahawks Head Coach Pete Carroll in The Briefings Interview said, “To me, what we’re talking about is working to be your best. And it doesn’t matter whether you are a football player, a business person, a dad or a mom or somebody’s big brother. You can be great at doing that if you work at it and if you apply yourself and compete to be that. I’ve found that the mentality translates anywhere I go and to whomever I’m talking to. I’ve visited with military officers, Special Forces groups, and it makes sense to them too, because we’re all working to find our very best.” Many of the best coaches are Christian men who transfer Biblical ideals in their body of work.

I find it amazing that football coaches make disciples everyday. Christian football coaches can be the biggest purveyors of Matthew 28:19,20–The Great Commission–“Go you therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit:Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” Imagine all the people that could be impacted by the pulpit if pastors could transfer the ideals of glorifying God similarly to how football coaches transfer the values and life lessons of football. The word of God would be taught directly with enthusiasm, repetition and accountability to make doers of the Word rather than hearers only. Never underestimate the influence of a good coach, or of a good pastor–in many cases, they are the same–just in different ways.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

For God’s Glory Alone Ministries thanks Bill Wilson and

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After serving in the United States Navy for 22 years I retired from the service late in 1991. Having always loved the southwest, shortly after retiring, I moved to the Albuquerque area where I have resided since. Initially I worked as a contractor for approximately 6 years doing cable construction work. That becoming a little dangerous, at an elevated age, I moved into the retail store management environment managing convenience stores for roughly 16 years. With several disabilities, I am now fully retired and am getting more involved with helping Pastor Dewey & Pastor Paul with their operations at FGGAM which pleases my heart greatly as it truly is - "For God's Glory Alone". I met my precious wife Sandy here in Albuquerque and we have been extremely happily married for 18 years and I am the very proud father to Sandy's wonderful children, Tiana, our daughter, Ryan & Ross, our two sons, and proud grandparents to 5 wonderful grandchildren. We attend Christ Full Deliverance Ministries in Rio Rancho which is lead by Pastor's Marty & Paulette Cooper along with Elder Mable Lopez as regular members. Most of my time is now spent split between my family, my church & helping the Pastors by writing here on the FGGAM website and doing everything I can to support this fantastic ministry in the service of our Lord. Praise to GOD & GOD Bless to ALL! UPDATED 2021: Rick and Sandy moved to Florida a few years ago. We adore them and we pray for Rick as he misses Sandy so very, very much!

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