Snow, Cold and Wind Hit New Mexico


Edgwood DecPastor Leonard Navarre of Valley View Christian Church in Edgewood, New Mexico just texted me this picture of heavy snowfall in the area and he reports that 5 inches of snow have fallen and it is still snowing heavily. The temperature is just 11 degrees, with windchill only -3 below!  at 11am in Edgewood. In Albuquerque mostly clear with 27 degrees (With wind chill factor its just 12 above in the Duke City at 11:40am) with a high of just 30.  Wind chill temperatures will be a factor today across the state as winds will gust up to 35 mph this afternoon. Be safe. Also take precautions so that your pipes do not freeze during this cold spell. I-25 from Santa Fe to Raton are snow packed. I-40 from Edgewood to Texas line are snowy and icy. NM 240 to 300 east and west is is very slick with ice and snow.   Snowy and cold weather will remain in many parts of New Mexico before it warms up a bit for the weekend.


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