The Daily Jot, 12/16/2014: The peace of Islam coming to you

Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.


NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus–the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The peace of Islam coming to you

There has been a noticeable term change amongst the media of late. They are using the words “Islamists” or “Jihadists” to describe what they used to call “Insurgents” and before that “Terrorists.” Many people around the world are coming to the knowledge that Islam is not compatible with representative democracy. It is, in fact, a political system that uses false religion to control people and to recruit soldiers to conquer the world and bring it under the “peace of Islam.” The Islamic State has resulted in thousands of refugees fleeing to other nations, causing a  colonization of Muslims in those nations that receive them. Leaders just don’t seem to get it. A Muslim is a turn of a page in the Koran away from being an Islamist.

In Germany, over 15,000 people took to the streets to protest Islamization. They are holding weekly marches that have grown from a few hundred in attendance to protest the over 150,000 Muslims coming to Germany from Syria. This has sparked German Chancellor Angela Merkel to address the nation: “There is freedom of assembly in Germany but there is no place here for incitement and lies about people who come to us from other countries.” Merkel is concerned that the organizers of such protests include neo-nazis, and she doesn’t want Germany to appear nationalist. Irrespective of who is organizing the protests, the fact is that Germany is being colonized by Muslims–refugees and, quite assuredly, Islamists.

The US State Department announced that the UN has selected some 9,000 Muslim refugees from Syria to be resettled in America. The current Administration has a goal of accepting 70,000 refugees a year, which is an understated number. Once the refugees are here, they are placed on a fast track for citizenship and their extended families can soon join them. The State Department explained that the US will take in only those Syrians who are “persecuted by their government.” WorldNetDaily reports that Christians in Syria are being killed by IS and other Muslim rebels, not by “their government,” but the Sunni Muslims are being killed by the Shiite-led government. So only Syrian Sunni Muslims are entering the US.

Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon and other Muslim countries are refusing to take in these people. Of course, the do-gooders in Western State Departments and at the UN think they are doing a humanitarian work, while Islam is bringing the peace of Islam to the West through colonization. Then we see Islamists and Jihadist attacking and killing people in Sydney, Brussels, Canada, New York, Boston, and the list grows. In Pakistan, Islamists attacked a school, killing over 125, mostly children. Same in Nigeria. Everywhere there is Islam, there is trouble. Leaders need to “get it.” Islam is far from peaceful. To unwise and sinful Babylon, the Lord warned in Jeremiah 51:14, “I will fill you with men, as with locusts; and they raise a battle cry against you.” The tip of the spear can hardly be seen among the masses, but it is there.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

For God’s Glory Alone Ministries thanks Bill Wilson and

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