American Values, End of Day, with Gary Bauer: Obama Slaps Down The American People; What Now?; Lessons From The Jerusalem Synagogue Slaughter



Thursday, November 20, 2014

From: Gary L. Bauer

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Obama Slaps Down The American People

President Obama, ignoring the verdict on his policies by voters earlier this month, is bulldozing through the Constitution by issuing an immigration amnesty today. His cynical calculation is that he can profit from this raw power-grab in two ways. First, he rouses his liberal base and earns points with Latinos. Second, he drives a wedge between outraged grassroots conservatives and a cautious GOP establishment. I wonder if that establishment has noticed that Obama’s approval rating is down to 37 percent, and that only about 35 percent support him acting unilaterally on immigration.

Some conservative leaders are pushing back against Obama’s power-grab. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said that if Obama makes this move he will be “acting as a monarch.” He also labeled Obama’s actions “lawless” and “unconstitutional.” Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) called Obama “emperor of the United States” and said that Obama’s plan will allow illegal immigrants to “take jobs directly from struggling Americans in every occupation.” Retiring and normally soft-spoken Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) issued this warning: “The country’s going to go nuts, because they’re going to see it as a move outside the authority of the president… you could see instances of anarchy…you could see violence.” (Coburn made it clear he hoped that would NOT happen.) Republican Senator John Cornyn (TX) said Obama’s actions would be “unconstitutional and illegal.”

Sheriffs from across the country also weighed in, with some charging that Obama’s amnesty will be the “destruction of our democracy” and leave a “gaping hole” for terrorists. Meanwhile at the White House tonight Obama will dine with congressional leaders–Democrats only.

What Now?

Finding a solution to Obama’s aggressive attack on the Constitution will not be easy. The new Congress doesn’t meet until January. In the meantime, Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) won’t allow a vote in the Senate on anything that hurts Obama. By January public outrage may have dissipated. Nonetheless, there must be action. Senator Cruz supports the idea of blocking the confirmation of all Obama appointees over the next two years. Others are pushing a strong resolution of disapproval making it clear that Obama’s actions are unconstitutional. It would be voted on in the House and Senate in January, followed by a formal censure vote of Obama if he still doesn’t rescind his unlawful act. I think a lawsuit should be filed and every effort should be taken to get it before the Supreme Court.

Lessons From The Jerusalem Synagogue Slaughter

Tom Rose, my co-host on the Bauer and Rose radio show, and I recently wrote a piece for responding to the horrific attack on Jewish worshippers in Jerusalem earlier this week. I invite you to read the piece, which is republished below.

Horrific events like Tuesday’s savage terrorist attack on Jewish worshippers gathered in their neighborhood Jerusalem synagogue for morning prayers are sadly almost to be expected from a Palestinian society utterly consumed in the warped incitement and demonic celebration of violent blood lust.

Outbursts of such mindless and murderous savagery are the evil but perfectly logical results of the blood curdling incitement, omnipresent throughout state-controlled Palestinian media. News of the massacre was met in Palestinian cities and towns not with denunciations, but with congratulations and celebration.

As difficult as it is to watch an entire society swallowed up by an unimaginable hatred, it is even harder to fathom how the West, and in particular the United States government, remains so adamant in their refusal to learn any lasting or correct lessons about the true aims and openly expressed goals of terror groups like Hamas and US funded Palestinian Authority.

While U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was quick to issue one of his finest defenses of Israel as America’s top diplomat as he condemned Tuesday’s Palestinian terrorist atrocity just a few hours later, it was all but negated by President Obama’s stunningly void remarks in which on his morally bankrupt bromides about “cycles of violence,” calls for “mutual restraint,” and how most Palestinians want peace.

Of the many things that can be accurately said of the Palestinian people, that the majority of Palestinians want peace with Israel is obviously not one of them. Polls regularly show almost 90% of Palestinians openly support the murder of Israelis and Jews.

The three most obvious lessons that people not deluded by politically correct fantasies regarding the nature and source of the war against Israel would learn are:

1. The much heralded “two-state solution” — never a realistic option to begin with — is even less so now. Two states cannot live side by side in “peace and security” when the very purpose of one of the states is the violent destruction of the other.

2. Calling upon the US taxpayer to fund the corrupt, terrorist-enabling Palestinian Authority is a moral outrage of the first order. PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s so-called “condemnation” of Tuesday’s terrorist attack was nothing more than a tactical exercise to insure the PA retains its Western funding so it can intensify its war against Israel. The US must stop funding the PA until and unless it embarks on a serious and verifiable campaign to reverse the incitement of its people against Jews and Israel.

3. The single greatest catalyst for international chaos and global terrorism is the Islamic Republic of Iran. Preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear threshold state is the single most important task of the civilized world.

The world needs its leaders to acknowledge what is plain for anyone to see. The Palestinian Authority does not exist in order to create the world’s 22nd Arab Muslim state; its purpose, together with Hamas, is to destroy the world’s only Jewish state. Terrorists are not and must never be partners for peace. Terrorists are the enemies of peace and must be treated as such.


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