Major Pro-Life Groups Call for a National Strike and Protests to End Abortion



By Tara Shaver

Albuquerque, NM- Protest ABQ is joined by national Pro-Life organizations, including Operation Rescue, Created Equal and Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust in declaring the first ever national pro-life call to action: a National Strike and Protests on January 22-23, 2015.

America has endured 41 years of legalized abortion, now is the time to stand together in solidarity as a people of conscience to end the killing of children in the womb, says Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, founder of Protest ABQ in Albuquerque, New Mexico.


(Click Image to watch Fr. Imbarrato’s “Call to Action”)

The use of strikes in various venues have been and continue to be effective in producing change. This one-of-a-kind call for two days of national strike and protests has the potential of sending a resounding message to the leaders of this nation that the American people want abortion to end.

The yearly anniversary of Roe vs. Wade continues to be a day of mourning across the pro-life community. Each year thousands gather in Washington D.C. to protest against this evil.

However, to step up our call to end abortion, we are encouraging all like-minded people throughout the country not to go to work or school nor spend money on Thursday, January 22nd and Friday, January 23rd, 2015, but instead to join together for prayer, fasting and PROTEST in their localities.

All participants must commit to following the model of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in their protests.”Even if we were to be beaten, screamed at, or abused, we will not respond in kind,” stated Fr. Imbarrato.

Protests will be held in front of state capitol buildings, busy intersections, and abortion facilities. No place is off limits and no one who profits from, supports, or condones pre-born child killing is immune from these protests.

Together, we are calling on national religious and pro-life leaders to join us and encourage all like-minded people to participate in a national strike.

Fr. Imbarato stated, “Let January 22, 2015, be the start of the national strike, which shuts this country down so that our government and the American people understand the urgency of ending legalized pre-born child-killing. It is time that the successful strategies of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Polish Solidarity Movement led by Lech Walesa and Fr.Jerzy Popieluszko be implemented in the United States to end this injustice!”

We will not condone violence of any kind by anyone in this National Strike. Indeed, we are protesting the use of violence — against children in the womb. We will peacefully and prayerfully protest this violence.

In the coming weeks and months leading up to January 22-23, 2015 Protest ABQ will be calling on all Pro-Life groups to commit to joining this historic effort.

For more information visit and join our Facebook event page: National Protests & National Strike Jan. 22-23rd, 2015

Contact Information:

Fr. Stephen Imbarrato,
Media Spokesperson- Tara Shaver,

For background information about Protest ABQ :

PROTEST ABQ Part 1: “Albuquerque is the Protest Capital of America

PROTEST ABQ PART 2: “GOP Vice Presidential Hopeful: Is New Mexico Gov. Martinez a Pro-life Hero or Zero?

PROTEST ABQ Part 3: “Lobos of Death: A Look at the Radical Abortion Agenda at the University of New Mexico”


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