Obama Changes His Tune On ISIS, Again


It’s a new day and the President of the United States has changed his mind on the evil ISIS, again. Does he mean it this time? Will he stick to his guns? President Barack Obama said today unequivocally that the extremist group
calling itself the Islamic State must be dismantled, degraded, and “ultimately
defeated,” days after he earned criticism for saying the goal was to roll back
the organization to a point it was “manageable.” “NATO will not be complacent.”


Dr. David Lawrence wrote this on the leadership of President Lincoln:

Even though many of the individuals Lincoln picked for key positions were in fact his rivals, he valued them because they were strong, independent, experienced and vocal.  He actively sought out their perspectives and respected their capabilities.  On the other hand, his independence and trust in his judgment gave him the confidence to learn from others, seek their advice and still make the decisions that he needed to make based on his own personal assessments of the situation.

An obvious question is: Do we have examples of leaders of the Lincoln caliber today?  I can’t come up with a good one, but that may be because modern media is so pervasive, and there are so many aspects of performance/behavior that draw comment today, that it is very difficult to spot the really exceptional.  On the other hand, maybe Lincoln was really just that that outstanding!

One thing is for sure; the attributes described above are absolutely core to strong leadership and Lincoln provides a terrific example of what we all need to strive to be.

Outstanding points made by Dr. David Lawrence. The modern day media would more than likely want to talk about nude celebrity pictures, rather than leadership qualities. And what are we teaching in our Public schools?

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