Greatness Comes As We Carry A Towel And Washbasin


Jan MooreservantIf images do not show up on your CUP, please go to FGGAM.ORG

Pictured above: Jan Moore, I am so sorry I could not locate a picture of Bob Dawson.

Dear family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Last night was a very emotional one at the Moede house. We received news that two best friends have cancer. Friends who have impacted my life for a lifetime. You make friends and then you make friends that impact you for God, for eternity.  I took my first job in Christian radio in 1986, I had been working in secular radio since 1978. When I went to work at WFRN Radio in South Bend/Elkhart, Indiana it was such a gigantic blessing. I met friends like Jan Moore the wife of Owner/GM Ed Moore, the station was founded by Ed’s Dad and it was still owned by the family when I went to work there. Jan was like a second Mom to me, she had worked in sales before at the station and when I was named manager she was a great help to me. I never will forget the day she came into my office and told me she would help me all she could and she would even make sales calls for me. Not only was Jan a great support in sales, but she taught me much about the love of Jesus Christ. Jan is an excellent example of serving others, not expecting to be served. The first thought that comes to mind when I think of Jan daily, is just that, serving others , greatness comes as we carry a towel and washbasin into every circumstance and relationship in life. That also fits one of my other best friends I met at WFRN, Bob Dawson, Bob also brings that towel and washbasin with him into every relationship. Bob is the bookkeeper at WFRN, boy did he help me so much in my first managers job, I made about every mistake a new manager could make! Bob helped me so much with his Godly counsel during this time, he helped me grow in my relationship with Jesus Christ, just like Jan did. Jan was diagnosed yesterday with liver cancer and Bob was diagnosed with prostrate cancer late last week. Please pray for healing over Jan and Bob.

As you can tell I have such wonderful memories of my time at WFRN Last night on the phone me and Bob laughed so much recounting the many happy times at the radio ranch! I had not laughed that much in a long, long time. Joy in the Lord. Bob and I said to each other that the world just doesn’t give us much to laugh at anymore! We have to create our own laughter! Amen! Joy in the Lord and visiting with friends and family. My time at WFRN set the stage for the Lord putting me into For God’s Glory Alone Ministries. The experience built me a further solid foundation in our Lord that started back in Windom, Minnesota with my Mom and Dad and extended family and my wonderful Sunday School teachers.

This morning I awoke in sadness thinking of cancer, cancer that took the life of my Mom at age 64, just after losing Dad to a heart attack. Cancer that evil disease that is not of God.  I got to thinking of many of the fun times with Mom and Dad, with all my friends at WFRN…….and being so ever grateful to the Lord for putting the people he has into my life! Teaching me to bring a towel and wash basin into every circumstance and relationship in life.

I look back and see clearly the training the Lord has and is giving me in my life. I look back and see all the lovely faces of the people who have helped me become a better person in our Lord, I am so ever grateful to one and all, mostly to our Lord Jesus Christ.

I pray you take time in this busy world to sit back today and think of all the people God has sent into you life to help you, and thank the Lord for everyone in your life that has brought you the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

John 13:5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.

Mark 10:45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his
life as a ransom for many … He came to serve and to give his life as a ransom …

We all know these scriptures….but do we live by them?

I am so very grateful that my Mom and Dad did and that my wife Sharon does and my best friends, like Jan and Bob do.

That’s it for the CUP today, I am in a very reflective state right now with the Lord……..I have to get back at that.

In the meantime I invite you to listen to my latest sermon that God gave me to give, please give it a listen, it is the words that God gave me to give to you……….

Sermon Podcast ‘The Darkness of the World’ 8-17-14 by Pastor Dewey Moede

For God’s Glory alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, family, and FGGAM Team

Let us Keep praying for each other and our friends and neighbors. Please pray over this unspoken prayer request from a friend of the CUP..for his Dad who has just been diagnosed with cancer.

Please, visit us often at FGGAM.ORG

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