CUP of Encouragement!


Dear family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

If all images do not show on your email CUP, please go to FGGAM.ORG      Many Godly images today!!! PTL!!!

Thank you for coming by!

Got back from Reserve, NM last evening at about 6pm. Up at 3:30am to do the news here at FGGAM, hit the road at 6:30am. Getting my Godly energy going here after 8 hours in the car! What a tremendous time of praise and worship……and teaching! More young people coming! The future of the Church! Amen! PRAISE GOD!

This is what I went to yesterday with my trip and with my Monday duties including our radio program at 12:05pm MT today…..

Endurance is a key indicator of spiritual fitness. Words of Pastor Alistair Begg

“Staying with it—-that’s what God requires. Stay with it to the end. You won’t be sorry, and you’ll be saved.” Matthew 24:13 The Message Bible

Prayer needs from Rick Stambaugh:

Picture is our Nephew Nick Chalker being loaded onto the Life Air Rescue helicopter in Clovis NM for transport to Lubbock Texas.
Ok folks; I know I’ve got some of the most powerful prayer warriors on Earth out there and I’m asking for your help with two separate prayer requests today.Our nephew, Nick Chalker, in Clovis NM has been taken to their local hospital twice and now has been transported by helicopter to Lubbock TX. He is suffering excruciating pain and they have discovered a life threatening clot in a main artery leading directly to the heart! I’m asking for prayers over his situation and prayers for comfort for the entire family!!!My second request is for one of our sisters in our church congregation, Danielle Meegan, who was hospitalized yesterday in extensive pain and experiencing great nausea and the pain has only increased for her since her admission. She is actually the sister who we are trying to fund drive enough donations to replace their broken down handicap van.

If it weren’t for the POWERFUL PRAYER WARRIORS I have out there I would not be walking the face of the Earth today and I’m asking for your special prayers for these two wonderful people and both of their families!!!

Thank You To One And All!!!

We are praying Rick! In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

From Shari Hardway Johnson:

Update on Mother! After a nasty spill yesterday while walking she decided today that she should see the doctor. Two black eyes, contusion on her forehead, the bone in her nose is cracked (not broken hallelujah!) busted mouth and chin her face looks like she lost a fight with a world heavy weight (and that really is a light description of how bad. But the scan and xray show everything is fine. She did have an issue in her ear that they thought caused her to be dizzy and have scheduled her an appointment to see to that. Praise God she’s a trooper. I know I’m 52, but I’m still hoping when I grow up I’ll be just like her.

We are praying healing over your Mom Shari! In Jesus name, Amen!

We are praying healing over all prayer needs! Amen!

We love you all!

Happy Anniversary to Jacob and Megan Montag of Milbank, South Dakota. Megan is our niece, Sharon and I were blessed to be able to go to the wedding two years ago! Thank You Lord!

We are praying for the DeEtta Coe family of LaPorte, Indiana, as we wrote on Friday: Mrs. Marie Landes, 95, of La Porte, Indiana, died Wednesday, August 13, 2014, at Golden Living Center Fountainview in La Porte. Marie is the Mother of our Dear friend DeEtta Coe of Laporte, Indiana. I had the blessing of working for DeEtta and her hubby ‘Big Guy’ Ken Coe at WCOE Radio for five outstanding years in the early 80′s. DeEtta and Ken have been a huge blessing in my life and thousands of others through their radio stations. Let us keep the family in our prayers at this time. I have to say I knew Marie, and one thing I remember is that at the radio station one day she told me not to drink out of a Styrofoam cup! She said it was a cause of cancer. So every time I have picked up one to drink from I think of Marie, and then discard it! I knew her husband very well to, Floyd! He was one of my favorites because my Grandpa Caraway’s first name is Floyd and that is also my middle name! Floyd and Marie were such Godly people! I was super blessed to know them!encouragementsmile

I had to take Reno to the Vet this morning, he was bleeding again from his pee pee and we ask for healing in Jesus name, Amen!


Let us all be encouraged by this post! Amen!

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

As FGGAM comes up on our 2nd year of service to our Lord, our friends from all over are sharing God’s Glory Alone!

Dewey and I were classmates as we grew up together in Minnesota and have known each other for over 50 years. Our hometown, Windom was a wonderful place to grow up! Living in a small town, you know everyone…so, we were friends, but not close friends at that time. Throughout our school years, I thought Dewey was so quiet and shy…almost painfully shy! I don’t remember that our conversations were much more than two words…I would say, “Hi Dewey” and he would wave to me. After graduation from high school, we lost track of each other and haven’t seen one another since 1974. Fortunately, through social media, we reconnected on Facebook. I was surprised and astonished to see the person that Dewey had become! Never in a million years would I have predicted that he would be a radio pastor! From my perspective, that required him to talk and interact with people…and he does it so, so well! Our friendship has grown…and I can tell you that Dewey has a heart of gold! He is authentic, sensible, kind, speaks life into others and is in alignment with God. He is truly an encourager and helps me to see things in new ways. My cup runs over to have him as a friend!

God is so good! I have watched Him work through Dewey, as FGGAM was conceived, established and has grown in leaps and bounds in the last two years. I am thankful for this ministry and I am amazed at how many people have been touched by it. To me, Dewey is living proof that God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called. Congratulations, my friend, on a job well done…keep doing what you are doing!!!  in our native Minnesotan tongue…Ya, sure, ya betcha!

In gratitude & your friend, Sonja Haldeman in Surprise, Arizona

Sonja and friends, I think back on that shy business and just shake my head, now people can’t get me to shut up! LOL! LOL!

Thank you for the kind words Sonja!

It was D.L. Moody who said, “I thought when I became a Christian I had nothing to do but just lay my oars in the bottom of the boat and float along. But I soon found out I would have to go against the current!”

Amen! That is the world we live in!

FGGAM, the light of Jesus Christ to one person at a time, for HIS Glory Alone! Pictured here is Sonja and Steve Haldeman! Thank you for your support Sonja and Steve!

sonja and steve

As FGGAM approaches 2 years of service to our Lord we have asked people like you to share what impact FGGAM has had on your life for God’s Glory Alone! Today we hear from one of our writers Shari Hardway Johnson of Grantsville, West Virginia. She has become a strong prayer partner, a friendship that is aligned with God. She has been such a strong supporter of our efforts here at FGGAM, besides that her hubby is a Fireman! My hero’s! It is wonderful what God has done and is doing at FGGAM. I have written the daily blog, ‘Dewey’s Daily COP’ for 17 years and made Godly friends all over the world. Now with FGGAM, God has put us on a higher level, reaching thousands everyday for our Lord. I praise our Lord for all He is doing, I continue to be in constant AWE of GOD! Are you? Here’s what Shari has to share with us……….


A few years ago, in a social media search for other women Christian writers I happened upon the names of bloggers, vloggers and encouragers Shona Neff and Shonda Savage. Their encouragement has meant a great deal to me. As I followed their posts and interactions I discovered Dewey Moede, Pastor, Preacher, Radio personality and founder of For God’s Glory Alone Minsitries and began following him. It wasn’t long afterwards that our occasional social media comment blossomed into a full blown friendship that is as close to me as many of the friends I see every day in Calhoun County, WV, although Dewey and I have never met.

Some would say “that’s not possible,” but I would argue that in Christ all things are possible and it is He for Whom our friendship is based. I’m a firm believer that it was a divine happenstance in my life that God connected the dots between the States of New Mexico and West Virginia; much like the hap of Ruth in her very own book, chapter, verse 3:

Ruth 2:3

And she went, and came, and gleaned in the field after the reapers: and her hap was to light on a part of the field belonging unto Boaz, who was of the kindred of Elimelech.

Nothing “just” happens. It’s an orchestration of God that all the who’s, what’s and wherefores line up and an eternal destiny takes place. Of all the fields that Ruth could have gone to she just happened to land in the field of a man who was her kinsman, who would fall in love with her, marry her and provide for she and her mother-in-law as she could never imagine? No… it was her divine destiny that she might be grafted into the line of Christ.

I consider my lighting in the fields of Dewey Moede along that same line. God intended our meeting, it was not happenstance it was divine intervention else the friendship would not have grown in the manner it has. If you have a social media account then you understand the fickleness of such friendships. A wrong opinion about ketchup brands can get you deleted from a friends list in about 10 seconds, friend is a “loose” term. It takes more than the click of the “add friend” button to develop a friendship that will last an eternity and encourage and revive your soul.

It takes Heavenly Hap! Dewey is such a friend. We’ve rejoiced together, prayed together and wept together. Our soul’s knit and through the Lord we’ve encouraged one another in the journey home. Not long after our meeting Dewey asked me to be a guest blogger on FGGAM website and what an honor and privilege it’s been. Through that connection (that field) I’ve happened upon other workers, Rick Stambaugh for one. Another brother that I count as close a friend as any. He’s an exhorter along this road that I travel and it is without exaggeration that I say that he and Dewey have helped me to understand that friendships are more than just chance meetings. Life is the meet and greet before eternity where there is but one country, one state, one address.  Perhaps today is your hap. If so, welcome to the family, we’re always glad to welcome one more!

Have a Great, Christ Focused Day!
Shari HardwayJohnson in Grantsville, West Virginiasharisat

PS From Pastor Dewey: : I have to add that my Mom’s name is Ruth, and she not only had the name of the Bible’s Ruth, she walked her life. Thank you Lord for my Mom!

If you would like to share anything about FGGAM, please send us a note! God Bless you!


We are so blessed with what the Lord has done with our lives. One the keys to our walk with Jesus Christ is our prayer life. Starting off at FGGAM 2 years ago this Sept. we started with NOTHING! BUT THE LORD, and HIS will for our lives. That is all we need my friends!  As I shared yesterday as I preached at the Reserve, New Mexico Baptist Church, the Lord had been calling me out of KKIM radio for months and I was dragging my feet and then things that were once easy for me to do became hard, very hard, because I was not walking in the Will of God for my life. So Sharon and I went into FGGAM with God and our prayer partners from all over the World, and here we are 2 years later still walking with our Lord and doing what He has told us to do. This walk has taught us so much about God, walking in TRUE FAITH, not mans. Part of our testimony to the world is it’s all about God not us! Amen!  Let me share with you a prayer letter we got from Angel Murchison from Presque Isle, Maine. FGGAM has friends from all over the world! PRAISE GOD! I met Angel through Shona Neff of White Rock, New Mexico who also blogs for us here at FGGAM and is also a tremendous friend, supporter and prayer partner. Angel has a radio ministry, ‘Destiny Moments’ in Maine. Here is Angel’s prayer letter for FGGAM, we share this with you for God’s Glory Alone!

Picture is of Angel Murchison

Prayer Letter for Dewey and Sharon Moedeangel murchisonAugust 17, 2014
Lord thank you for Dewey and Sharon. Thank you they are obedient to the Word of God. Lord whatever you ask of them they say yes to your will and to your way. God we mark every debt paid for I thank you for meeting every need in abundance as they continue to build in the Kingdom of God. I pray divine health from your throne room Lord. I declare every healing scripture over them today. My all time favorite healing scripture I declare is Dewey and Sharon’s portion. Psalm 107 v 20, you sent your Word and healed them. Thank you Lord, they receive it. We repent of any unbelief that has crept in from the world, well meaning friends and every other source. Your Word is yes and amen and that is their portion and final answer. I thank you they do not have to settle for anything less. I thank you they know no lack, they are well provided for. I thank you they operate with the Holy scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. They believe the Word and that Word is life to their bones. They trust you in every area of their life as you continue to order their footsteps. Lord, I pray for wisdom, knowledge, revelation and might for them. That the Spirit of the LORD will rest on them- the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2). Together we join our faith and declare expansion for your glory and your glory alone. Thank you for these humble, meek servants of the Lord and according to you Word they will inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5). Souls, souls, souls to that we say yes, we will step it up higher and finish 2014 strong for your glory alone Lord. Jesus reigns over Dewey and Sharon and Amen.
Dewey, I wrote this declaration when I started the airwaves years ago and I wanted to declare it again over your ministry, WFST here in Maine and all media across this globe today.
Media Declaration
You will decree a thing and it will be established for you and light will shine on your ways” (Job 22:28)
We decree that every radio and television program will expand into new territories.
We decree we will see much fruit from streaming audio, video, broadcasts, podcasts and other forms of media and airwaves and souls will be saved.  More souls than we could ever think or imagine.
We decree people will be set free from the bondages that have kept them from experiencing the true freedom of Christ. He paid a dear price for their freedom and we declare and decree they are free.
We declare that the dreams and visions that God placed in the heart of his people will awaken and begin to be fulfilled in the name of Jesus all across this globe. We speak to that unfilled destiny in them and say you will be fulfilled.
We declare and decree that the Love of Christ will go throughout the land by every means possible so that everyone will hear the gospel, the true and full gospel.
We declare that these airwaves know no lack. Jesus meets every need according to his riches in glory. We declare financial freedom in the name of Jesus.
We declare and decree that Godly leaders will rise up all across this globe.
We decree that our prayer and worship has changed the atmosphere and we will see signs, wonders and miracles according to the Holy Scriptures all across this land.
We decree the light of Christ will grower brighter in these dark times.
We decree that unity among the churches and brethren that preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ will be established this day.

Thank you Angel! We love you!

Read this from our Doctor Joe Fawcett from Texas:

What’s Going on with Rick Perry?

Thank you for your love

For God’s Glory alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team

Let us keep praying for each other and our families and neighbors!

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