New Post-Wildfire Guide For New Mexico Communities Now Available

New Post-Wildfire Guide for Communities Now Available


SANTA FE, NM  As wildfires continue to impact the western United States, a new guide has been developed to help those impacted by wildfire in New Mexico start on the path to recovery. New Mexico State Forestry, along with many interagency partners, has created this guide and a companion website called “After Wildfire: A Guide for New Mexico Communities,” according to New Mexico Forest and Watershed Health Office Coordinator Susan Rich, who led the project.


“We developed this guide for New Mexicans affected by wildfire and for the emergency personnel and civic leaders they turn to in a time of crisis,” said Rich. ”The initial request for this guide came from people in the trenches, individuals helping communities hard-hit by wildfire and post-fire flooding. We wrote it for them.”


Funded in part by the USDA Forest Service, the new After Wildfire New Mexico Guide and website provides information on subjects such as technical guides to post-wildfire mitigation and land treatments; links to post-wildfire and flooding funding and financial tips for individuals and communities; how to mobilize communities and working with volunteer organizations; post-fire and flooding safety; and resources for emotional support.


“After Wildfire: A Guide for New Mexico Communities” is now available through the After Wildfire


In addition to the information found in the new guide, the website provides links to wildfire guides published by other sources as well as links to social media sites, active wildfire information, contact information to the agencies who have contributed information to the guide and materials for fire prevention and preparedness.



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