It is Now Time for Governors to Stand Against Immoral Federal Judges


no lawOnce again the immoral federal judges have ruled against righteousness. A federal judge declared Pennsylvania’s ban on gay marriage unconstitutional Tuesday, saying it’s time to toss such laws “into the ash heap of history.” The ruling by Judge John Jones III, who was named to the bench by Republican President George W. Bush, makes Pennsylvania the last Northeast state to allow same-sex marriages.

Yesterday, another federal judge choose depravity in the state of Oregon by overturning that state’s laws.

In the past five months, federal judges in 10 states and a state judge in Arkansas have struck down bans on gay marriage. Appeals are under way in Utah, Oklahoma, Virginia, Texas, Michigan, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee and Idaho. Eventually, one or more of those cases is expected to reach the Supreme Court.

It was the Supreme court that started this avalanche of immorality when it overturned California’s definition of marriage and struck down key parts of a related federal law last June.

You shall appoint judges and officers in all your towns that the Lord your God is giving you, according to your tribes, and they shall judge the people with righteous judgment.-Deuteronomy 16:18

At one time cases were argued before the United States Supreme Court using the book of Deuteronomy. Judges were appointed based on their moral standing and expected to use the bible in their understanding of the law. Today, they are just plain lawless.

When will the governors of the various states stand up to these reprobates and declare their judgements invalid? The judiciary no longer has any honor. As a result our nation is failing. Because judges now make fools of themselves in choosing unrighteousness over righteousness, the president and other government leaders can ride rough shod over the constitution without fear of reprisal.

Governors such as our own Gov Martinez are allowing these evil judges to continue unopposed by stating that judges have the last word. The governors forget that judges can be challenged and that they have no power to enforce their decisions unless it is given to them. Enough of this lawless debauchery from the bench.

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