My Life In Full Time Ministry


deweyandsharonDear family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

How are you today? We pray you are closer than ever to our Lord Jesus Christ!

Disappointments were not meant to destroy you. They were meant to strengthen you and give you fortitude to accomplish your God-given destiny.

Let us turn to Matthew 6:8

Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.

Wow I have been learning so much on this venture with my Lord. I hang onto that verse, the Lord knows what I need even before I ask. This walk now for 18 months in full time ministry has strengthen my faith. I still have struggles……when love offerings are down, but I have to tell you God answers way different in most cases than how I would think He would respond. Love offerings end up coming from people I would not think of! Amazing! I am learning to rely more and more on God. I was sharing this the other day with Kyle Martin of Time To Revive,(Time To Revive is out of Dallas)  and he said he knows perfectly well what I am saying, he has and does go through the same thing. God answers in a different way than we would think. Some people promise to support, but it does not happen, others come forward.

Kyle and his lovely wife Laurel  started Time To Revive at their kitchen table, like Sharon and I started FGGAM.

You learn a lot. It grows your faith.

God’s answer is way, way more better than ours! He is God, our Father! Amen!

Wanell Pate told me months ago, “Dewey, you no longer answer to man, you answer solely to God, God alone.”

Meaning I no longer work for a man, and I am no longer restricted what I can do with Christian media.

This week I had a Pastor from a  Church call me and wanting me to do something that I knew was not right, I owe nothing to man, I owe everything to God.

Are you being restricted of what you can say and do for God? Are you restricting yourself?

I share this with you this morning, as this has been the most difficult aspect of full time ministry…..trusting and funding. Satan grinds you on that. He tries to create turmoil in your life.

That is why we are taught to put the Armour of God on each day and be surrounded by the body of Christ! Amen!

I am learning more and more everyday to hand my life completely over to God.

I love what Alan Redpath the late Pastor of Moody Memorial Church said, “The conversion of a soul is the miracle of a moment, the manufacture of a saint is the task of a lifetime.”

Chuck Swindoll says that when God develops character, He works on it throughout a lifetime, he’s never in a hurry.

Swindoll continues….It is in the schoolroom of solitude and obscurity that we learn to become men and women of God. It is from the schoolmasters of monotony and reality that we learn to “king it.” That’s how we become—like David—men and women after God’s own heart.

I just love it how Redpath and Swindoll put things into perspective.

I’m still learning what it is like to be in full time ministry, working away at 3am, working late at night, having my heart broke by people, never hearing back from people, BUT, taking victory in our Lord for the difference I see what HE is doing through FGGAM, out of the bright lights, not in front of crowds, behind the scenes, so to speak, in the schoolroom of solitude and obscurity as Swindoll says.

I have come to so much appreciate the works of Smith Wigglesworth, Oswald Chambers, R.A. Torrey, John Wesley and many more like them that persevered mainly by themselves in ministry.

I guess this is one of the main reasons I love going into small towns and small churches. I am surprised every time I get asked, “Why do you go all the way to Reserve to preach?” I go, because God says to go.

As I go about my days, I pray for the people of God. So many struggle with their Christianity. Too many say one thing and do another. They have their own interpretation of what God’s Word says…WOW! yes, too many. Too many want the Bible to read in a way that fit’s their lifestyle.

We are about to begin, Lord Willing, our 21st month here at FGGAM.

I have learned much about the people of God and why they struggle. And also why the Church struggles in America. I should write a book on the first 20 months!

Daddy taught me to be responsible to as where I am at in life, thus I am a firm believer in the fact that you and I, the Church and the Country as a whole, are responsible for where we are at.

Also be prepared for when God shows up! More than likely He will shock you in a way you never could have dreamed!

As Daddy told me years ago, “Life can turn on a dime”

Are you prepared?

Before I leave you today let me share this with you………..Talk about God showing up! WOW WEE! BEYOND MY DREAMS!!! HOLY COW BATMAN!

ALL GLORY TO GOD! I love giving out GOOD NEWS!!! This report from Isaac Milleson FGGAM’s Chief Technical Officer: FGGAM has had a little over 100,000 visitor’s in the last 7 days! A new record for us! PRAISE GOD! Thank you for coming to FGGAM for news and inspiration. Our mission from God is to bring you the news you need to know in your daily walk with Jesus Christ! Thank you for spreading the word to your friends about FGGAM, bringing  the light of Jesus Christ to one person at a time all over the world!  Amen!

We also thank all of our volunteer writers, over 30 volunteers now, Thank you for writing for God! We love you all and praygood news for you constantly.

Please keep us all in your prayers, our Preaching, Teaching, Counseling, Radio programs, our videos, and all the work that the Lord has assigned us to do for Him.

Please read these:

Frank Haley Sends His Best From Ireland!

You gotta read this from Shari about the Church she attends:

An f5 Transition

For God’s Glory Alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team

Let us keep praying for each other and our families. Please pray for all our children, protection please!

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