How To Conquer Your Fears

Mar 29, 2014

How to Conquer Your Fears

Read | Psalm 27:1-3

I’ve walked with the Lord for nearly seven decades. I have read the Bible cover to cover many times, preached thousands of sermons, and written pages upon pages of study material. But let me tell you something that may surprise you: In spite of all that, sometimes I’m afraid. And I imagine you are, on occasion, as well. After all, we live in a scary world!

Any of us can feel frightened by failure, ridicule, loneliness, or something else entirely. For me, one area of vulnerability relates to preaching. Sometimes, early in the week, I get a nagging feeling that I won’t have everything I need to deliver Sunday’s message, and the uneasiness persists throughout the week.

In response to that, I pray harder, study longer, and read my Bible more closely. I am driven to do absolutely everything I can to succeed whenever I stand to proclaim God’s Word. I decided long ago that I wouldn’t let apprehension stop me from doing what God calls me to do. However, before I take my stand against fear, I must first admit it is there. That’s the key to conquering feelings of trepidation.

There’s no shame in admitting you are fearful. In the Psalms, King David confesses several times that he is afraid (Ps. 34:4; 55:4-5). However, his confession is wrapped in prayer, acknowledging the Lord’s power over both his apprehension and his enemies.

That same power is available to you today. God wants to cast out the fear and doubt in your life. Go before Him right now and say, “Lord, this is what I am afraid of . . .”





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