You Are What You Eat


Chick-fil-A stated in a press release that they are planning to be serving antibiotic-free chicken within five years.[i]  This is good news and Chick-fil-A should be supported for thier decision.

However, this did not come easily. Vani Hari ( has been working with Chick-fil-A for over a year on cleaning up the farm (so to speak). Chick-fil-A made the announcement about a week after Vani Hari along with started a campaign to petition Subway from using azodicarbonamide in the making of their bread (a plastic used in yoga mats). “Within 24 hours, the petition received over 50,000 signatures, and Subway’s social media channels were completely overrun by concerned citizens and the Food Babe Army”.[ii]

USA Today also reported Subway as saying “”We are already in the process of removing azodiacarbonamide as part of our bread improvement efforts despite the fact that it is an FDA approved ingredient,” the company says in a statement. “The complete conversion to have this product out of the bread will be done soon.””[iii]

Apparently Subway is not taking full responsibility for asking the government’s permission to use a harmful petro chemical in the making of their bread. My question to Subway is, “Why would you ask to use this type of chemical to begin with?” notes that azodiacarbonamide is banned in the U.K. and the World Health Organization has linked it to respiratory issues, allergies, and asthma.[iv]

The FDA approved Subway to use azodiacarbonamide! On the FDA’s home page it reads “Protecting and Promoting Your Health.”[v] If the government will approve food companies to use a harmful chemical in their products (used in making foam plastics), what else do they approve? Obamacare? One World Government?

Last year the Senate “overwhelmingly” voted down an amendment to the farm bill that would require labeling of genetically modified organisms.[vi] Labeling would allow us to decide for ourselves if we decide to eat foamy fluffy bread. But it seems the government believe we should blindly trust them. As Pelosi reassured us with Obamacare saying “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of controversy.”[vii]

Now numerous other food companies are beginning to eliminate harmful ingredients from their products as the public is becoming more aware of the harmful effects that is being attributed to non-GMO and non-organic foods. That’s you and me!

The American Institute for Cancer Research is expecting cancer to rise 55% higher by 2030 in the U.S.[viii] and WebMD reports that by 2030 cancer could increase by 75% worldwide.[ix]

Check out for more detail on the effects that GMOs, fluoride, and other chemicals that are used to modify foods are going to have on the health of all of us.[x]


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