Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. Matt 6:8


Dear family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Welcome to the CUP this day! God Bless you and yours forever and ever!

FGGAM ALERT: Dewey is back on Radio!!!! This just in Dewey will host “This is the world we live in” Mondays at Noon on KDAZ AM 730 part of Son Broadcasting. FGGAM has purchased this time to be back on the air in New Mexico by popular demand! Your Financial support of FGGAM is vital. We want to thank Annette and Dan of Son Broadcasting for working with us to make this possible! We know that God does not order anything He had not already paid for!

Oh let us pray over this scripture everyday………

O Lord, whenever I think anything contrary to your word, reveal that to me. Philippians 3:15

A Cross in the Sun

Fellowship with Christ is the secret of happiness now and forever.

“Frustration exists to highlight where and how the Lord wants to change you. It can either be the spark of life that creates a new dimension or the detonation of all that we hold dear. Be careful not to snuff out that spark, but nurture it properly.” Graham Cooke

“One of our biggest problems is that most of us don’t really understand the fullness of who we are in Jesus. That’s our journey. That’s our passion. That’s our joy. That’s going to be an endless source of enjoyment for us!” AMEN!

It is very important to me that you drink this whole CUP, Sharon and I have a personal message to you
on the status of FGGAM. You will find our God given message further into the CUP!

We have a new reader of the CUP Mitzie! We welcome her to our family here at the Daily CUP!

Dear Dewey, Please send me your blogs…sure was encouraged reading it today! Thank
…just got a forward from this “savage” the LORD has called
me to love. Savage is really her maiden name and she lives up to it at times!!! I am Happy, Happy, Happy to hear from her. One day, this “savage” will be my kinsman in CHRIST JESUS! GOD bless you for encouraging my weary heart not to give up loving her…”except for the grace of GOD, there go I. ”
GOD bless you,

Yesterday was a HUGE day in our LORD at the First Baptist Church in Magdalena, NM! What a wonderful time in our Lord Sharon and I had with Pastor Paul Holt and his lovely wife Jo and the entire congregation.
We are so grateful to Pastor Paul and Jo for having us. We Preached on the Sermon on the Mount and being salt and Light. No portion of scripture was more quoted and referred to in the first 400 years of the Church
than the sermon on the mount. There is no room in any one book to detail the impact of “these words” on all cultures over the last 2,000 years. The Golden rule, The Lords prayer, love your enemies, go the second mile, blessed are the meek, salt and light.
President Harry Truman said, “I don’t believe there is a problem in this country or world today which could not be settled on the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount.

President Ronald Reagan used the Sermon on the Mounts “City on a hill” as a guiding light for his years
in office. Both President Bush 1 and 2 used the Sermon on the Mount in their years in the White House.
Remember last week when we shared with you that Albuquerque Journal writer Leslie Linthicum wrote
that Jesus did not protect the Griego family? I addressed this statement as dangerous territory…….and
I asked Pastor Paul Holt to be Salt and Light and comment……….

In an op-ed piece written by Leslie Linthicum that appeared in the Albuquerque Journal on 01/24/13. Ms. Linthicum stated regarding the tragic deaths of the Greg Griego family, “We can spend a lot of time speculating on what was going on in Nehemiah’s heart last weekend. But we know that Jesus did not protect the Griego family, Nehemiah included, from evil.”

Yet, earlier in the article she stated, “Nehemiah reloaded the weapons, put them in the back of the family van and thought about going to Wal-mart, where he intended to kill a lot more people and go out with guns ablaze in a shootout with the cops. Instead, he ended up at his church and, thankfully, the death toll stopped at five.”

The twisted logic of those who oppose Jesus is that they fail to take into account free will. The Lord allows us to choose this day either life or death. On the surface, it appears that Jesus is impotent to protect a family that choose Him. The Lord chooses to limit His sovereignty to allow free will, as we saw on 9/11. But we should also understand that Jesus directed Nehemiah to leave his guns in the family mini van instead of him shooting up the local Walmart or Calvary Chapel.

What can we learn from this and other tragedies? That safety and preservation of life is bought with the loss of freedom? That Jesus is without power in our world? No. We learn that everyone has a choice. Even those who have trusted the Lord. Death is an unnatural part of this fallen world and is always tragic. Jesus allows death to continue until this age is finished. Christians must understand that we must continue to choose the Lord and His ways each and every day. Evil can still be invited into the most Christian of homes and we are each allowed this choice. Jesus did protect the Griego family. According to the testimony of those who knew them, they trusted in the Lord and they are with Him even now. We are not to fear the one who can take our lives, but the one who can take our life and our soul.

Well today in the front page of the Albuquerque Journal my discernment was so sadden in the front
page write up by Joline Gutierrez endorsing abortion.
You see, this is why we have to be salt and light and carry out the Great Commission. Many that
read this write up will agree that abortion is okay, because they do not have a Biblical view of life.
They have not met our Lord Jesus Christ. They are not familiar with or do not believe the Sermon
on the Mount. They believe the “NOTHING NOISE” of the world. Just like on CNN with the
talk show host saying the Bible needs to be amended! Very dangerous territory. But again, thousands
and thousands watching that program will be in agreement with talk show host Morgan because
they don’t know any better. We are to love on people and show them the ways of our Lord Jesus Christ.
David Wells says this:
Our world, our resplendent culture, has been turned into a substitute for God. However, this substitute , we quickly discover, offers no principles by which to live. Furthermore, we also find that the self that
has to fill the void at the center of our lives is incapable of fulfilling this function….if we could see more
clearly God in the full blaze of His burning purity, we would not be on easy terms with all sins that now
infect our souls and breed easy compromise with the spirit of the postmodern age.
Chuck Swindoll says this:

It is precisely this kind of tolerance for sin that threatens to undo the Church of Jesus Christ. If the

Church does not realize this danger and take a stand against it——first in ourselves personally,

and then in our congregations—-the Church will weaken it’s standard, it will lose it’s contagion, and

it will continue to drift from the Lord’s goals for the Church toward a narcissistic obsession to


I just could not agree more with all of the above! AMEN! It is the mission of FGGAM to be salt and light
to carry our the Great Commission, to bring the light of Jesus Christ to one person at a time.
Pastor Paul Holt said yesterday, "You have (FGGAM) a cutting edge ministry." It is the work
assigned to me and Sharon from our Lord. We need your help! We need to get our love 
offering support up, we need to raise JUST another $1, 500 to $2,000 a month to sustain this (I say 
that between figure of $1,500 and $2,000 because we have had inconsistent monthly giving)
We also need to make our house payment and etc. If you value what we do, will you help us? We have $1,000 left to our name.
Sharon's Mom gave us a seed gift to start us.......Now we are asking all of you who 
believe in what the Lord is doing through us to stand in the gap with us.
Ezekiel 13:5 You have not gone up into the gaps or breeches, nor built up the wall for the house of Israel that it might stand in the battle in the day of the Lord.
 You can check out our giving info on the web site or mail to
 PO BOX 65516 
Albuquerque, NM 87193
I find it interesting all we need is $35,000 to $40,000 a year and millions in this Country are wasted everyday.
My life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus. Acts 20:24
That is my life verse. 
Sow seeds for God! Bring forth good fruit! 

If you believe in the work we are doing for the Lord, the Daily CUP for 15 years, Our on going TV program, Our podcasts, Our Preaching all around, The Revivals we take part in, Our Hospital/Nursing home visits, Our Free Counseling and referral services, 
January 26, 2013. Choose carefully those to whom you listen and receive advice. Idle talk and chatter is not what you want or need. It leads to nothing and is a waste of time. Reset your listening. Tune in to the frequencies I quicken to your senses. Savor them. Take them seriously with meditation so that the advice you receive resonates in the wisdom chambers of your heart. Chew on the valid criticisms you receive from the trusted sources I will be sending. You are becoming like one known in betting circles as a high roller. Therefore, sift and sort the advice and criticism using ever increasing wisdom I am bringing. You are running the race well. Insist on a victorious finish.
Proverbs 25:11-12 (NLT) “Timely advice is lovely, like golden apples in a silver basket.  To one who listens, valid criticism is like a gold earring or other gold jewelry.” Ras Robinson
January 26, 2013. Good news is coming at you from every direction. This is good. This is very good. This is of Me. Enjoy what you hear. I see a smudge of fear in your heart that this will not last. Cast any inkling of fear that it will not last on to Me. Keep your hand in Mine. I am leading you to have the same response you have now with the good news to be there when the news is not so good. I am leading you into rest and peace that no news can knock you from your place of sitting in heavenly places with Me. I am with you always.
Romans 8:38-39 (NLT) “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow-not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below-indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Bev Robinson

This is worth the read on Health care…………..

Doctors at Edina practice say direct pay cures headaches
By Christopher Snowbeck Press
Dr. Merlin Brown is sick and tired of working with health insurance companies.
At the same time, Brown and his physician colleagues are worried about the outlook for Southdale Internal Medicine, an independent medical practice that has been treating patients in Edina for more than 40 years.
So, rather than join the trend of independent doctors securing their financial future by merging with large health systems, Southdale Internal Medicine is trying something different.
Starting in April, the practice will ask patients to pay doctors directly for their care and no longer will accept payments from insurance companies except for Medicare.
“We believe that insurance companies are making it increasingly difficult to practice patient-centered medicine,” the doctors in the practice wrote to patients this month.
The doctors are joining the small but growing number of physicians who since the late 1990s have tried going the “direct pay” or “concierge” route, where doctors typically care for a smaller group of patients who are willing to pay for easier access to their physician.
It’s a trend that continues even though the federal health law of 2010 will require most patients in the country starting next year to buy health insurance — a rule that’s expected to bring millions of people into the health care system.
“I think you’re going to see (direct pay) in increasing numbers as soon as those 30 million people start flowing into doctors’ offices,” said Dr. Dudley McLinn of Specialists in Internal Medicine, a Minneapolis group of three doctors that started asking patients to pay out-of-pocket for care more than 10 years ago.
“There’s huge dissatisfaction” among primary care doctors, McLinn said. “There’s too much regulation and too much work for too little compensation. These doctors who aren’t very happy aren’t going to want to take care of even more people.”
McLinn’s group — which doesn’t even take payments from Medicare — plans to add a fourth physician later this year. Meanwhile, a Fridley-based physicians group called Multicare Associates Inc. is rolling out a program where patients or their employers can pay $118 per month for better access to physicians.
“There’s no barrier to getting your primary care because you’ve already paid for it,” said Matt Brandt, the chief executive officer at Multicare Associates, which still works with health insurance plans.
Nationally, there are about 4,400 physicians who have transitioned to business models where patients pay doctors directly, said Tom Blue, executive director of the American Academy of Private Physicians. The number grew by about 25 percent last year, Blue said.
In a 2010 report, researchers from Georgetown University and the University of Chicago described the trend as “retainer-based physician practices,” where physicians charge patients a monthly or annual fee. In return, patients get everything from longer and same-day appointments to extensive annual physicals and their doctor’s personal cellphone number.
As is true in Minnesota, retainer-based practices across the country come in different shapes and sizes.
In one model that researchers called “fee for extra services,” patients pay an annual fee to be part of a doctor’s panel of patients, and they receive an annual physical in exchange. Patients in these practices continue to pay for other office visits, researchers wrote, and the physicians often still participate in insurance plans.
In a second model called “fee for care,” patients pay a larger up-front fee that covers all primary care; physicians in this model usually don’t participate in insurance plans or Medicare.
A final model is a hybrid, where the physician still sees non-retainer patients but charges a fee to those patients who want increased access to services.
“A typical retainer fee appears to be about $1,500 to $2,000, although the physicians we interviewed charge from $600 to $5,400,” the researchers wrote.
Even with the changes coming at Southdale Internal Medicine, Minnesota has not seen many doctors join the direct-pay trend, said James McManus, a spokesman for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota. The Eagan-based health insurer, which is the state’s largest, has long-standing contracts with 97 percent of all hospitals and doctors in the state, McManus said.
While there’s not a lot of interest locally in physicians moving to a direct-pay model, McManus said, there are many examples of doctors working more collaboratively with health insurers in new business arrangements designed to improve quality and cut costs.
As for health plan rules and regulations that Brown and his colleagues say are getting in the way of patient care, McManus argued that patients benefit from the requirements.
“All medical policies are designed and implemented to ensure that our members receive the most safe, effective and appropriate treatment for a given condition,” he wrote in an email. “Blue Cross partners with providers in the community to make sure that these policies drive the most patient-centric care possible.”
The direct-pay trend has generated controversy. Some physicians and patients argue that doctors who ask patients to pay for better access aren’t helping to solve problems in the current health care system.
“There’s no reason whatsoever that any individual should be forced to pay extra for this essential care,” wrote Dr. John Goodson of Harvard University in a letter published by the Boston Globe newspaper. “A change toward elitism in the delivery of health care is pernicious. It undermines the most fundamental commitments of our profession.”
But Brown of Southdale Internal Medicine argues that moving to a direct-pay model actually could help improve primary care by attracting more physicians into the field.
“We have an access problem now because no one wants to go into primary care due to low pay and poor job satisfaction,” Brown wrote in an email. “Returning to being a professional — and working for patients, not insurance companies — will restore job satisfaction.”
Currently there are about 9,000 patients who receive care from the five doctors at Southdale Internal Medicine. Brown says the number likely will shrink, although he’s been surprised about the support he’s heard from patients. Doctors sent a letter in early January that explained the change.
The relationship between doctors and patients should allow for easy communication, Brown and his colleagues wrote, yet the physicians believe insurance companies are getting in the way.
To enhance doctor and patient communication with Medicare patients, the practice will charge an additional $300 fee for personalized services not covered by the federal heath insurance program. Extra services include phone consultations, family conferences, email, texting and communicating through an online phone service such as Skype.
Non-Medicare patients can select one of three options.
Patients can simply pay as they go. The practice has posted a fee schedule that charges, for example, $80 for a 20-minute office visit and $5 to $40 for a variety of lab tests. Injection costs range from $25 for the flu shot to $200 for the shingles vaccine.
Patients can pay a $300 annual fee for enhanced electronic access to doctors, such as cellphone access, text messaging and online communications and pay per-service for face-to-face encounters.
Finally, patients can pay a $2,500 annual fee that covers all primary care they might want from the practice — no fees for individual visits, tests or injections.
Doctors at Southdale Internal Medicine recognize they are dropping out of the health insurance channel just as federal law is on the verge of requiring that most people in the United States purchase coverage. Those health plans, in turn, might very well cover the cost for many services that the doctors will ask patients to buy out-of-pocket.
Does this worry the doctors?
“No, because the system is going to collapse on itself,” Brown said in an interview.
Many health insurance plans have high deductibles or some coverage for services provided by non-network doctors, Brown said. So, his medical practice will help patients obtain whatever reimbursement or credit might be available from insurers. The details will depend on a patient’s health plan.
Brown says that he and his colleagues want their practice to function like a regular business — one that prices services according to the cost of providing them and what patients are willing to pay. That contrasts with the payment system established by insurance companies, which includes a complicated set of codes for services and uncertainty about whether services will be reimbursed.
To make the point, Brown describes what Wal-Mart stores would feel like if customers shopped as they do for health care.
“You’d take all the prices off the shelves, and all the customers would come in with 50 different payers with more than 50 different rule sets.” he said. “The customers aren’t sure what products they can get or when or how often. Wal-Mart isn’t sure either.
“So, everything is coded,” Brown said. “And it is so complicated that they hire more and more consulting companies to analyze the data just to figure out what the cost of shampoo is.”
Starting April 15, patients will be asked at the end of their visits to Southdale Internal Medicine to pay for all services rendered that day. Cash, credit cards or debit cards will be accepted.
“The insurance restrictions and requirements are long and getting longer and longer and cost us more and more money,” Brown said. “I want to be free from that, because I want to be able to treat my patients the way I see fit and offer them the service that I think is necessary.”
Christopher Snowbeck can be reached at 651-228-5479. Follow him a
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and family