Happy Birthday to Man of God, Frank Haley!

Lydia Haley Crandell: Hi, friends! I’ve been off FB for 3 months now. It was nice to take a much needed break, but I’m back today to wish my daddy a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I’m so thankful to get celebrate another year of his life! Last week, our whole world was rocked when he was diagnosed with Chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

FGGAM Photo of Pastor Dewey Moede and Frank Haley
Photo of Pastor Dewey Moede, who at that time was GM of KKIM radio. This was at the presentation of Frank Haley being inducted to the NM Broadcasters Hall-of-Fame. At that time Frank was the News Director at KKIM Christian Radio in Albuquerque. It was such a blessing to see Frank get his due. Frank’s lovely wife Alice, is on the right.
Photo of Frank and Alice from the family Birthday Party for Frank yesterday! At first I thought Alice was pictured with Wyatt Earp or Clint Eastwood!!! Ha!!!
From years ago a photo from a Birthday Party for Frank at his Church. Look and see Frank’s famous sign off on his cake: CJF

Today is the Birthday of Frank Haley. 84 years young! PTL!! I have no words to describe this great man of God. Not only is a devout Christian, he is an outstanding husband, father, grandpa and friend and newsman. I worked with Frank a bit at Citadel Broadcasting then I hired him as news director at KKIM Christian radio in Albuquerque, that was at least 15 years ago or more.

Frank also served as news director at KOB radio, Family Life radio, and Son Broadcasting. Thousands of people over the years would wake up to the golden voice of Frank every weekday morning in New Mexico! Glory!

We got him into the New Mexico Broadcasters Hall-of-Fame while he was working for me at KKIM! Glory to God in the Highest! Frank’s concise news reporting was admired by thousands! We here in New Mexico got Frank from Texas radio, where he blessed many more!

Frank wants everyone to receive JESUS! His passion to share JESUS is second to none! The marriage of Frank and Alice is second to none! You want a role model for your marriage? Get a hold of Frank and Alice! They are such awesome friends of myself and Sharon! Please keep Frank, Alice and the entire family in your prayers. I had a very blessed phone conversation last week with Frank after his trip to the hospital. Frank is a peace, the peace that only GOD can give.

I just got off the phone with Lydia, Frank and Alice’s daughter. I asked her if it was okay to share her birthday message about her daddy!

Hi, friends! I’ve been off FB for 3 months now. It was nice to take a much needed break, but I’m back today to wish my daddy a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I’m so thankful to get celebrate another year of his life! Last week, our whole world was rocked when he was diagnosed with Chronic lymphocytic leukemia. This was unexpected & shocking news & it’s still all sinking in for me. He’s handling things so much better than I am! When you talk to him, he’s the normal, upbeat, chipper, funny person he always is. His faith is so strong & has really been an encouragement to me. As much as he’s ready to go see Jesus right now (he will tell you so & make sure you know Jesus too, while he’s at it!)-deep down, I know his main concern is to make sure he’s here for as long as he needs to be to continue to take good care of my momma 🫶🏼🥹🤍 Please help me wish him a very happy birthday today! Please also join me in praying for complete healing upon his body! We trust in God & know that no matter what happens, HE is still in control! He has our family in the palm of his hand. I love you so much dad! Have a wonderful day! 🎉🎂🎈Lord, I pray you grow my faith to be as big as my daddy’s!

God Bless you all, Lydia Haley Crandell

Please pray about helping Frank and Alice at this time. Campaign Created by: Lydia Crandall The funds from this campaign will be received by Lydia Crandall.

Listen to Frank Right Here: Frank Haley: Our Days Are Decided Before We Are Born

Frank’s 75th Birthday Party in 2015 at his Church


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