Where Humanity Is Headed

Joe McKeever: The human heart is a mess. Consider this little problem: Earth is covered with billions of humans, all of them more or less alike. By what process does one of them decide to dominate the others? And why would some conclude others should serve them hand and foot and that they should live as royalty, off the labor of others? That’s what we mean by sin. At his core, man is capable of mind-staggering cruelty and injustices to others if it benefits him in some way. That’s not to say mankind isn’t capable of some good. Thank God for that. Mankind has such capabilities and potential. However, he is always hampered by a dysfunctionality about himself: he is his own worst enemy.


I am blessed by messages that make me think and then seek the Lord in prayer. Sadly, many Americans do not think before they act. This message from Joe McKeever made me think and pray. The Lord always guides me in everything I do and say, but, I must say, I still make mistakes and get ahead of the Lord at times.

When you read a message or hear a sermon, I encourage you to take notes and then pray over what you are thinking. Drives me nuts when people come to Church without a note pad! I think that too many ‘just come’ to Church.

From Outreach Magazine

Some culture writers and half-serious columnists do it for fun, giving forecasts on life in the future.  Some, like meteorologists, work at it seriously to protect lives. It helps to know the hurricane in the Caribbean may be headed our way or that the tornado season is upon us.

But then, once in a while we come upon those strange individuals who believe they are endowed with supernatural gifts of prophecy and fortune-telling.

If you are one who believes you have such a gift, I have a word for you….

Give it back.

Newsweek of January 1, 2000, reported on a prediction from 98 years earlier.  In the 1902 Atlantic Monthly, economist John Bates Clark wrote “Looking Back on the 20th Century” in which he projected himself into the year 2000.  He concluded we would be seeing….More Here

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